I I just seem to be getting bad news all the time.
I shortened the quote down some sorry just wanted to make sure all my words get into reply…
I too have been "very stressed and extremely depressed as of late, and yes I am struggling, not only with faith but with the want to even go on…
ON that note i want to say a few things to you and this is coming from my heart trust me on this its not critisizm,
you have healthy children… reason to have and hold the faith right there,
a younger gal at my workplace just got back to work a few months ago from maternity leave, she and her husband have thier first baby, 2 weeks ago I go to work and our warranty coordinator is taking up a collection for gas cards this younger gals baby has been diagnosed with Cancer, which will require them to drive downstate a lot…
you have a husband whom has a job
The state i am currently living in is going down the tubes very fast, one little city not to far from me has a small factory that employs the majority of the town, they will be closed forever in july the town has no other jobs that pay over minimum wage, the next town over has 3 factories closing and also moving out and they already had one of the states highest unemployment rates to begin with. its easy to say these people can move right? well our housing Market is also collapsed at best, houses that were worth 250,000 dollars 2 years ago cannot sell now for 75,000
there are 2 to 10 men daily in the parking lots of wal mart and meijers holding signs up “will work for food” and that number is sure to grow by summers end.
you talk about a house, I know what you mean there but it also sounds like you have a roof over your head keeping you dry.
tonight i was on my way home from playing pool with a friend, as I turned a corner i seen a young man in the ditch face down, of course i stopped he stumbled to get to his feet when i asked him if he was ok as I was approaching, turns out he was kicked out of where he lived and had walked about 42 miles today and his legs just couldnt go much more he was tryingto make it to a city that was still 28 miles away where he had a friend, I gave the young man a ride let him use my phone tomorrow he heads to his moms place in Florida by bus…his friend wasnt home so i left him at a little motel just up the road from the bus station where his mom is sending the money for the bus ticket, he wont be in 30 degree weather tonight on the road he has a warm bed to sleep in. I want to add something very key to this story, in the last 9 weeks of playing pool i have never taken that way home, its so far out of the way normally, think that was coincidence???
Dont let some downfalls cause you to lose your faith, its so easy for it to happen, slow down sit down and think about all the possibilities that have gone on thru your life, how many times could something have been far worse?
normally I dont promote NFP,ABC, etc but in your situation talk to your priest NFP is supposed to be as effective as the pill is.
its far safer to your health ( you want to see your kids graduate and get married someday I assume) and best part is it really dont cost any money not to mention its for the most part sin free…
I know its easy to get frustrated by children,yours are young yet
PLease try to enjoy those times you get frustrated, or they are bugging you to what seems like death it dont last forever and you are going to miss it so much when its all gone, this i speak from experience on as I wipe tears from my eyes.
My two boys are grown now, and My fiance decided that God was telling her we cannot get married,even though we both have agreed he put us together in the first place, she has 4 children ages 3, 4, 9 and 10.which I have always considered my kids as well, the only thing getting me thru my days right now is the fact she knows How i felt about her and the kids, we both still love each other, and I am allowed to see my 4 kids ( not biological but mine none the less) pretty much when ever i want, which is a lot at this point…
try to look at the positives forget the negatives, I could easily say I lost the only woman i have ever truely loved, my one true soulmate, and a family, BUT I constantly try to keep telling myself I havnt Lost her she is still and always will be my best friend, as far as not going to Mass, all I can say to that is I always try to make it to mass and when i leave mass I always have some peace about things
I actually right now wish i could go 2 to 4 times a day everyday because of the peace i feel…
anyways take a step back breathe and really see how bad off you really arent…
God bless you in this endeavor I know its not easy to do