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I’m struggling a lot with God and my singleness in the recent years. I recently began corresponding with a man through a dating website. He wrote me some of the longest and most endearing emails I have ever received. We took it to phone eventually and the first conversation was 2.5 hours long, the second was 3.5 hours long and the last one was 1.5 but ended kind of abruptly because he had to do something which I understood but it felt kind of awkward and I haven’t heard much since although he did say he enjoyed talking to me and he would be in touch. All along it has felt like we get along really well which I think is rare to find. He lives a couple of hours away so we haven’t physically met. I guess I’m afraid of hoping for anything. The past 3 years have brought on a lot of heartbreak with 2 relationships that didn’t lead to marriage although they weren’t the right ones. I’m just really struggling with having a desire placed in my heart and constantly getting disappointed. Mind you these are Catholic men that have appeared in my life. I sometimes wonder if I am called to a single vocation just by my experiences not what’s in my heart. Does a single vocation reflect that it should bring you joy or you should accept that’s what God is asking you to do? I’m just really confused. When I have asked him, he sends people but then there is always a roadblock. Any advice or specific prayers/novenas to share would be great. Thank you for all your prayers
I don’t know kind of how you feel, I know exactly how you feel. And I don’t know the answers either. Sometimes, I think it’s possible that God gives us unusual Crosses, but maybe it’s not really so unusual to have a desire to be married and have it go unfulfilled.

I’m just going to try my best to live in relationship with God, to grow that relationship into something better and stronger, to seek and try to accept more His Will in the present moment.

Sorry I’m likely not much help, but I do understand.

Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our most compassionate Mother, we present ourselves in thy sight in all humility, and with full confidence we implore thee for thy maternal patronage.

Thou hast been proclaimed by Holy Church the Comforter of the Afflicted, and to thee constant recourse is had by the sorrowful in their afflictions, the sick in their maladies, the dying in their agony, the poor in their straitened circumstances, those who stand in all manner of need in both public and private calamities; and from thee they all receive consolation and strength.

Our dearest Mother, turn upon us also, wretched sinners that we are, thy merciful eyes, and graciously accept our humble and confident prayers. Aid us in all our spiritual and temporal necessities, deliver us from all evil and especially from sin, which is the greatest evil, and from all danger of falling into it; obtain for us from thy Son Jesus every blessing of which thou seest we stand in need both in soul and body, and especially the greatest blessing of all, which is Divine grace. Comfort our spirits, troubled and afflicted in the midst of the many dangers that threaten us, and the countless miseries and misfortunes that beset us on every side. This we ask through that immense joy which filled thy pure soul in the glorious Resurrection of thy Divine Son.

Obtain tranquillity for Holy Church, help and comfort for her visible Head, the Sovereign Pontiff, peace for Christian princes, refreshment in their pains for the Holy Souls in Purgatory; for sinners, the forgiveness of their sins, and for the just, perseverance in well-doing. Receive us all, our most tender Mother, under thy loving and mighty protection, that we may be enabled to live virtuously, die holily and attain to everlasting happiness in Heaven. Amen.

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