Hi all! New here to the forums, and hoping to find some recommendations for a new study bible… Let me know what you like and why. Thanks!
Ah, a topic I have been exploring lately myself. Let me tell you what I learned on here before the forum crashed. Although there are many Catholic study Bibles, three in particular seem to keep getting mentioned.Hi all! New here to the forums, and hoping to find some recommendations for a new study bible… Let me know what you like and why. Thanks!
Quote:Hi all! New here to the forums, and hoping to find some recommendations for a new study bible… Let me know what you like and why. Thanks!
Thanks Michael and a special thanks to Todd Easton!!!The Haydock commentary for the New Testament is on line at the following site, put together by todd Easton a particpator in this forum
Todd Easton CatholicBook@aol.com
Also another older commentary out their recommended by Jimmy akins is
A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture
Dom Bernard Orchard M.A. (Cantab.) General Editor and New Testament Editor
A great catholic exegsis of Scripture is located at http://www.scripturecatholic.com/
This is my choice too. I’ve bought the whole set and it is very useful. It explains well and it also has study questions - questions about each chapter and questions on applying to your life.Ah, a topic I have been exploring lately myself. Let me tell you what I learned on here before the forum crashed. Although there are many Catholic study Bibles, three in particular seem to keep getting mentioned.
- The Ignatius Study Bible: Based on the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition, written and edited by Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch. Both of these gentlemen, esp. Dr. Hahn, are widely known for their excellent Catholic books. This study Bible contains extensive references to the Catechism, early church fathers, and Vatican documents, and is considered very faithful to Catholic teaching. It is, however, a work in progress. About half of the New Testament has been completed so far. It is available in 9 volumes to this point, at a cost of about $9 each. It is highly recommended.
Catena Aurea - The Golden ChainHi all! New here to the forums, and hoping to find some recommendations for a new study bible… Let me know what you like and why. Thanks!