Now we need the Vatican to do something about it.
PFStudy Finds Many US Catholic Hospitals Hand out Abortion Drugs - Names Them
By John-Henry Westen
SAN FRANCISCO, February 3, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Despite the fact that so-called “emergency contraception” (EC) can cause early abortions; a new study has found that only 35% of the Catholic hospitals surveyed indicated that EC is not available at the hospital. The study was conducted in four states in which the law discriminates against those do not wish to participate in abortion by requiring the abortion-causing drugs be made available or suggested in emergency rooms for sexual assault patients.
The study was carried out by Ibis Reproductive Health and commissioned by the pro-abortion anti-Catholic group misnamed “Catholics for a Free Choice” (CFFC). At the time of this study (1995), California, New Mexico, New York and Washington had laws mandating EC in emergency rooms without exceptions for Catholic hospitals.
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