Study release reinforcing need for CAUTION! for kids TV programming

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March 2, 2006​

New PTC Study Finds More Violence on Children’s TV than on Adult-Oriented TV Levels of Dark Violence, Sexual Innuendo, Offensive Language Show that Children’s Programs are “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing”
LOS ANGELES (March 2, 2006) – The **Parents Television Council ** released its first study on children’s television titled, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: A Content Analysis of Children’s Television,” which found that there is more violence on children’s entertainment programming than on adult-oriented television.
“This new study has found that the violence aimed towards little children is almost double compared to the levels of violent content directed towards families and adults during prime time hours. One might quickly dismiss violence in children’s programming as inconsequential, but what has changed is that the violence is ubiquitous, often sinister, and in many cases, frighteningly realistic,” continued Bozell.
“In addition, one of the more disturbing trends in this study was the amount of adult-oriented subtext that was laced throughout both the animated and live-action programs. Sadly, producers must think that if they can entertain parents with double entendres and innuendo the parents will encourage the children to watch.
“The downward spiral of children’s television must stop. Broadcast and cable networks must be held accountable for allowing such inappropriate content to corrupt our children. We must also hold advertisers responsible for underwriting these messages,” Bozell concluded.
Depends what you let them watch…

Mine only watch CeeBeebies, which is essentially programmes around ‘playing safely’, ‘how to eat nicely’, ‘the alphabet’ and arts & crafts…The presenters have a permanent huge-grin on their face and there are also special signed programmes, such as ‘Something special’ for handicapped and deaf children, and ‘Big Cook little Cook’ where children are taught how to bake cookies and butter their own bread (with all the safety advise of ‘Make sure your mommy helps you with this!’). In 3-years of watching CeeBeebies with my girls, I have never seen even one instance of violence, and infact they’ve learned nursery rhymes from it and my eldest loves exercising along to ‘Boogie Beebies’, keeps her fit and I often join in 😛 .

Anna x
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