Absolutely! I think it honestly depends on compromise and how deeply attatched to their religion/church each partner is. My dad is Catholic, my mom is not. We were raised in the Catholic Church. My youngest brother graduated from high school last year and my mom started attending the Methodist church in town. My parents alternate services now.
My husband is not Catholic. His big requirement when we got married is that we get married in a church–since he considers himself a Christian, but wasn’t a regular church goer, we got married in my church, by our priest. This would have been a deal breaker for me–I had to get married in the Church and we were able to do that. Now, he attends Mass with me about half the time, but almost always when I lector (which, due to the lack of people wanting to do that, I do pretty often). We also discussed that when we have kids, we’ll raise them Catholic, but there is the option of going to my in laws Christian church on occasion.
So, long story short, it does work. Both people have to be willing to work with each other.