Suffering to pay for sin

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As Catholics we know that our suffering can be used to help implement our Lords work of salvation by offering the pain through prayer. My friend is a bible Christian who suffers with regular physical pain from several chronic health conditions. This suffering has brought him much closer to the Lord and helped to end his own sinning. But he does not believe in offering this pain for the sins of the world as Christ did. Does the Lord use this suffering for the worlds sins nonetheless? Or would my friend have to offer it specifically in prayer for this to occur?
As Catholics we know that our suffering can be used to help implement our Lords work of salvation by offering the pain through prayer. My friend is a bible Christian who suffers with regular physical pain from several chronic health conditions. This suffering has brought him much closer to the Lord and helped to end his own sinning. But he does not believe in offering this pain for the sins of the world as Christ did. Does the Lord use this suffering for the worlds sins nonetheless? Or would my friend have to offer it specifically in prayer for this to occur?
when I unite my sufferings it is usually for the poor souls in Purgatory of for those who have no one to pray for them. Sometime I am just moved to say “Lord, take this suffering and make something good of it”,
Interesting question. I too also offer up my discomforts for the relief of the poor souls in Purgatory or as reparation for a certain sin (like child abuse or abortion). I think though that we have to have the intention of doing that; I do know that to gain an indulgence, you have to have the intention of gaining it when you say/do an indulgenced prayer/act, so maybe it’s the same thing here. I could be wrong though. Maybe you could ask it on the apologetics forum.
As Catholics we know that our suffering can be used to help implement our Lords work of salvation by offering the pain through prayer. My friend is a bible Christian who suffers with regular physical pain from several chronic health conditions. This suffering has brought him much closer to the Lord and helped to end his own sinning. But he does not believe in offering this pain for the sins of the world as Christ did. Does the Lord use this suffering for the worlds sins nonetheless? Or would my friend have to offer it specifically in prayer for this to occur?
According to Catholic Tradition, physical suffering is partly a punishment for actual sin, serving to sanctify the good, and helping them to attain eternal salvation. To gain merit in suffering, we must be patient & resigned to the suffering. (“Father, not my will, but thine be done”).

God also sends sufferings as a warning to people, to bring them back to their faith. And you cannot offer your friend’s sufferings for them. They must do it themselves, to be fully in union with the sufferings of Jesus.
You need to read “The Problem With Pain” by C.L. Lewis. In this book, he calls pain God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world. He talks about how we have no problem ignoring even our own pleasure, but can’t ignore pain. It is indeed a wake up call, and a reminder of God’s presence in a world where worldly things are becoming more important than ever to people, even us firm believers.
It is very difficult for a protestant to accept that suffering can be offered up. To them that some how seems that we are diminishing Christ’s perfect offering for the salvation of the world.

I haven’t been successful at it yet – but I keep hoping for inspiration.

Come, Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Call forth your people and they shall be created and they shall renew the face of the earth. Amen.
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