Suggestion for ministry to the young adult

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Dear all,

It’s been some time since the last time I post anything on CAF. I’ve gotta admit that I kinda lose my interest in Catholicism. The past one year, I’m back to my hometown from the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Before that, I spent a few years in Singapore for studies.

My real conversion of heart happened in May 2006 (when I was still living in Singapore), where suddenly, I became so interested with the Catholic Church, started attending Mass regularly, went for confession regularly, and active in a number of church activities; the Legion of Mary, Theology of the Body group, youth group, apologetic group, etc (I got plenty of time because I was still in uni). When I was in Jakarta, I also involved in many church groups.

Since I came back to my hometown, Batam (a tiny island, 40 minute ferry ride from Singapore) in April 2010, I’ve been doing nothing much, except helping with the warden and choir. To be honest, I do those because my mum asks me to.

I have this “obsession” with media, evangelism, apologetic, books, etc. In my current parish, there are only a few groups; Legion of Mary, Divine Mercy Prayer Group, Youth group (on and off meeting) and Charismatic prayer group (it was attended by almost 100 people years ago, nowadays, they are lucky if 25 people attend their weekly prayer session). We don’t even have Bible Studies here. We have RCIA, but it’s dominated by the senior of the church (although I sometimes questions what they teach; one argued with me that Canon Law is written by human and we should not follow it fully -.-"), young people like me won’t make the cut.

I’ve been getting some weird thoughts to join “other churches” where things will be more interesting, but I know that I will only find peace in the Catholic Church. With all the knowledge that I have now, I can’t leave the church no matter what, because I know it’s the one, true church.

I am spiritually dying with each passing day. I see many young adults during Sunday Mass, but that’s all. I feel that something must be done to gather these young adults to be more involved in church ministry. Any suggestion?

If you could, please pray for me. It’s needed badly. 🙂

I am in the same boat as you. I become full Catholic tonight at the Easter Vigil. I converted after being a devout Protestant for nine years. Since my conversion I have become a devout and conservative Catholic, wanting to adhere to the traching, dogmas and law of the Vatican.

I too see some things that I question being said in my RCIA group. As a convert I had to struggle with everything the Church teaches, and after nearly two years of researching, I am blessed by God with knowledge of the Churh that many Cathilocs don’t know. I frequently talk with several priests that are conservative like me that want to turn away from the liberal teachings and decisions of some US Bishops and Pastors.

I have a heart to make a change in the Church, I want to educate Catholics on what and why they should believe what they believe. I want to start my own bible study, but you don’t need permission to run a bible study at your house or coffee shop, as long as you are treaching the doctrines of the Chruch.

The minute I am confirmed tonight I am joining the Knights of Columbus, I am setting up a meeting with my Pastor to help run the Young Adults ministry and next year I will help teach the RCIA program. By getting involved in my Parrish and talking with my Pastor, letting him know my heart and what I want to do, I know I can help shape and mold a stronger and more faithful body of Christ, but only through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.

If there is anything I want to encourage you with is this, pray for the gift of persistence. Persistance is a fruit of the Spirit of God. One of my favorite qoutes is from a US President Calvin Coolidge:

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

So be persistent with what you want to do, and if it’s for the Glory of God, I am certain you will find joy and peace!

Thanks for your response ddiaz841,
Yes, persistence & determination are important, I truly need it as I get discouraged easily. Hopefully, God will lead me to people who have similar interest. Let us pray for each other. 🙂
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