Our son is on the verge of reading…any suggestions on how to help him along? He is in PreK now & I will be homeschooling next yr…
Yeah…flip the card again and really confuse him. ‘e’ “eat”Get those cool word flipbooks – the ones with a syllable like “at” at the back, and single letters that flip up to make different words – one flap with a ‘b’ so the kid reads “bat”, one with a ‘c’ to make “cat”, and so on. Those are really good. You can also play with running through all the possible rhymes, including nonsense words.
This is a perfect opportunity to show him how the different letter combinations work - if there is only one vowel, it sticks to the consonant that comes after, not the one that comes before. If you have two vowels, the second vowel causes the first vowel to stick to the consonant that comes before it (if there is one), and also causes it to become “long” (flattens the sound).Yeah…flip the card again and really confuse him. ‘e’ “eat”![]()
I agree! I read outloud constantly to my son, and plan to through high school. I read to him through my crisis marriage break up - i was so stressed out but reading gave us together-time when my focus wan’t much good for conversation. I remember sometimes not kowing even what I was reading as I read - but my son did - he’d let me know. Now his comprehension is really excellent, and he really follows a story line, and that has a lot to do with the reading outloud, I think.I think the number one most important thing as your child is learning to read is to continue to read to him every day. By listening to your fluency as you read out loud to him, he will begin to understand the rhythm and flow of reading and he will also learn to anticipate what comes next, an important skill can be overlooked if your focus is on phonics…
Yes, good words of advice, thank you… I try not to boast about him in terms of his intelligence-he’s brilliant & I’m pretty sure he knows it without me telling the world!! (and most folks catch on pretty quickly in conversation w/him…)Don’t push him whatsoever, and don’t boast to your friends about his reading or invest too much of your mother ego in the fact that he might read early. I’ve seen too many mothers fall into that trap. The other kids catch up by grade three or four, and sometimes surpass the early readers.
Yes, good words of advice, thank you… I try not to boast about him in terms of his intelligence-he’s brilliant & I’m pretty sure he knows it without me telling the world!! (and most folks catch on pretty quickly in conversation w/him…)
Our 9 yr old daughter did not read early & now devours books.
I’m not too worried about our son reading early or being surpassed later-hopefully no more than normal on most days!! I do want to make the most of his eagerness & readiness. I try not to push him or our other children, but do, I’m afraid, from time to time, trying always to make amends & do my best to be what they each need.
Thanks for all suggestios, he loves Dr Seuss especially & I love the flip chart idea, simple, easy, fun.
I second this. We used it this year for my 4 year old, who we started homeschooling kindergarden. She’s now reading the books from the program and loves it. The program is cheap, reusable, and Catholic.You might like Little Stories for Little Folks from www.chcweb.com
**It’s Catholic and phonics based, but it gets right to reading, which gives them a great sense of achievement. This is esp nice for students who get frustrated with workbooks. Very reasonably priced too. 2 of mine went straight from it to 2nd grade readers without any problems.**
I also used Bob Books with my daughter. I would recommend buying one set at a time. Depending on how fast your son catches on to reading, he may not need all the sets of Bob Books.I used these cute little paperback books called “Bob Books.” They were recommended in The Well-Trained Mind. Both my kids who have learned how to read loved them. They start of with really easy short vowel sounds, and then move on to more diffcult stuff slowly.
We found them in the kids section at Barnes and Noble. They come in boxes of 10 or 12 little books.