Suggestions for creative rosary design?

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The idea: to come up with a creative and practical rosary that would combine as many sacramentals/chaplets possible into one easy-to-use rosary. So far, I’ve been thinking about a seven decade ladder rosary (so you can pray the seven sorrows and joys as well as the traditional mysteries) with a holy water centerpiece and this combination medal with the corpus for the crucifix. I am also thinking of attaching a Benedictine medal somewhere on there…

The whole point is, I love the sacramentals, chaplets, and various devotions available to us as Catholics and am a firm believer in the extra specific graces and/or spiritual profits they yield. I feel that so many Catholics shy away from their use because they are so paranoid of using them supersticiously as charms, which is a real shame.

So what do you guys think? Have any ideas on how you could squeeze more devotions/sacramentals in there? What colors should it be? How might it be changed to allow more to be done with it? What other symbolic stuff could be thrown in there? And should there be some other stuff hanging from it as well, say on the large beads?
What a great idea! I wish I could help, but seeing as how I’ve never prayed the rosary, I feel that I am a bit too ignorant on this subject to put in my two cents. I am currently working on learning how to pray it, but I don’t have a rosary to practice with! So, I have to be a little creative too. 🙂
Good luck with this wonderful project. I’m sure the Blessed Mother is smiling down on you for your unique devotion. 👍

One other thing: I suggest the color red. It symbolizes passion, life, love, blood, and strength, all of which somehow seem appropriate to me. Of course, white represents purity and holiness, which also apply. And purple is the symbolic color of leadership, respect, royalty, and loyalty. Goodness, if you take my advice, your rosary will look like it belongs in the Red Hat Society! I suppose you should just choose whatever colors, tokens, etc. that you believe would be best. Pray on it. I’m sure you’ll get better advice from your prayers than you could from me. 😉
My husband started making Rosaries five years before we became Catholic. He has some of the neatest designs, and he is part of a Rosary exchange group online. He has gotten some neat Rosaries in this exchange, including a “Twin Towers” Rosary to help us remember to pray for the victims of terrorism.

He designed a “Holly and Ivy” Rosary in red and green, based on the ancient hymn, “The Holly and the Ivy.”

He also made a giant Rosary out of CDs! (It’s hanging in a Catholic Boys’ School rec room!)

If you are interested, I will ask him to get online and post the address of the Rosary Exchange group. You will probably get lots of ideas from these people.
Ooh, yes, that would be cool! Please do, Cat - that group sounds like it would be great to chat with. 👍

And kfarose2585, thanks so much for your encouragement, that’s the first time someone has made me feel like Mother is smiling on me…I’m a convert who is not quite yet confirmed, so that’s awesome = ) I most definitely will impliment your color suggestions, the red for SURE! 😃

What about medals or other sacramentals? How could they fit into it? Should it have any extra funky beads for weird chaplets or can most be prayed on a standard rosary?
The idea: to come up with a creative and practical rosary that would combine as many sacramentals/chaplets possible into one easy-to-use rosary. So far, I’ve been thinking about a seven decade ladder rosary (so you can pray the seven sorrows and joys as well as the traditional mysteries) with a holy water centerpiece and this combination medal with the corpus for the crucifix. I am also thinking of attaching a Benedictine medal somewhere on there…

The whole point is, I love the sacramentals, chaplets, and various devotions available to us as Catholics and am a firm believer in the extra specific graces and/or spiritual profits they yield. I feel that so many Catholics shy away from their use because they are so paranoid of using them supersticiously as charms, which is a real shame.

So what do you guys think? Have any ideas on how you could squeeze more devotions/sacramentals in there? What colors should it be? How might it be changed to allow more to be done with it? What other symbolic stuff could be thrown in there? And should there be some other stuff hanging from it as well, say on the large beads?
What a wonderful idea to make your own rosary!! Congratulations to you and your talents!! 🙂 My mother was born in Ireland UK, they use emeralds and specific rocks polished and made into beads for their rosaries as well as the more traditional red, white or purple rosaries. You might like to find out if there is a specific rock that you could use that is particular to your area.I have seen ones made of clear plastic or crystal. I have always thought in the spirit of Christian poverty that the use of different woods to make the beads is lovely, there are some many beautiful natural woods to use and this also would remind of Christ’s Crucifiction on the Cross. You can attach to the end of the rosary after you have said the Hail Holy Queen and chapelet you like for petition to Christ, those which dear friend are dearest to you heart xxx God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxx
If you are interested, I will ask him to get online and post the address of the Rosary Exchange group. You will probably get lots of ideas from these people.
That would be great since the big feast is coming up soon and I make rosaries with my students it would be wonderful to see some new ideas.🙂

I make knotted, all twine rosaries. If you send you your address directly, I’ll sent you a rosary.

Does anyone know what sacramentals out there have an apparition or interesting history backing them up? Like the Miraculous Medal, the Benedictine Medal, the image of the Sacred Heart, holy water / salt / oil / earth, etc. The ones I just named are probably the only ones I know of besides the scapulars…I’m figuring out what else I could incorporate into the rosary…

Oh, and thanks for the idea of the wood, Teresa - I really like that. I think I might use it for the large beads. For the small beads, I’m thinking of these little red roses that have silver caps…
Wow! I didn’t even know that most rosaries were red, white, or purple–they were just the first colors to come to mind! The one I used to have was kind of an opaque, mother-of-pearlish color with some gold on it. It ended up breaking in my pocket twice. So, be sure you make a sturdy rosary, especially if you are serious about praying it!
Hi, Cat’s husband here. To get signed up for the Rosary makers’ talk (and exchange) group that she mentioned, go to: On the right, under “Site Contents”, drop down the “Other Resources” menu and select “Rosary-Talk Group”. You’ll get a page with a description of the group and instructions on how to subscribe. It’s all done by email, not a web forum like this, or a chat.

Or, you can go directly there:

Hope that’s clear enough for everyone!

Mr. Cat
Cool, thanks! Have you ever seen anything like what I’m attempting?
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