Suggestions for my chastity website, please

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I like it a lot. I think what you are doing is great. I pray you will help many who read the information from your site and come away changed. God Bless You.

“don’t tell the Lord how big the problem is, tell the problem how big the Lord is”
How about a section on using marital chastity as preparation for responsible parenthood–i.e. delaying immediate gratification in favor of assuring emotional, physical, relational and financial stability BEFORE undertaking the responsibilities of procreation.
Island Oak:
How about a section on using marital chastity as preparation for responsible parenthood–i.e. delaying immediate gratification in favor of assuring emotional, physical, relational and financial stability BEFORE undertaking the responsibilities of procreation.
Please explain. NFP does that; Luke (DH) doesn’t want to use NFP because he believes that God won’t give us a kid that we can’t raise and I’ll be breastfeeding anyway. (I’m pregnant with our first child) Parents have a huge responsibility: raise your kids Catholic, teach them to love and serve God and others…

Thank you, Kyenta! God has put some great chastity speakers in my life - a college friend who just graduated gave a chastity speech to all the freshmen at the college at the beginning of the school year, and Christopher West and Mary Beth Bonacci inspire me.

my Mother my Confidence,
Please explain. NFP does that; Luke (DH) doesn’t want to use NFP because he believes that God won’t give us a kid that we can’t raise and I’ll be breastfeeding anyway. (I’m pregnant with our first child) Parents have a huge responsibility: raise your kids Catholic, teach them to love and serve God and others…
What part of my answer didn’t you understand? If you are in a unmarried, troubled or abusive relationship–don’t bring kids into the middle of the chaos. If you have erratic mental or emotional problems–don’t procreate until you are stable. If you can’t afford to buy groceries, pay the rent, are in more debt than you can manage, don’t have $/insurance for health care and/or require govenment assistance to meet your most basic needs–don’t have kids until you are able to support them. NFP can be employed for these, most serious situations so that inattention to fertility or selfish desire do not trump your responsibility to the child you create. Clearer?
Island Oak:
What part of my answer didn’t you understand? If you are in a unmarried, troubled or abusive relationship–don’t bring kids into the middle of the chaos. If you have erratic mental or emotional problems–don’t procreate until you are stable. If you can’t afford to buy groceries, pay the rent, are in more debt than you can manage, don’t have $/insurance for health care and/or require govenment assistance to meet your most basic needs–don’t have kids until you are able to support them. NFP can be employed for these, most serious situations so that inattention to fertility or selfish desire do not trump your responsibility to the child you create. Clearer?
DH and I have no income and the US government helps us buy a few groceries; preborn Baby and I have health insurance through the state of Kansas. I’m certain that there are many families worldwide who are much poorer than mine. Thank God we aren’t in debt. Alleluia!

I agree about abusive relationships and having sex before marriage. I rely on God, DH and my doctor to keep me mentally stable; I’m one of many who fights depression. I trust that if I ever get really depressed or otherwise mentally unstable, God will provide DH with the means to keep going and taking care of our child and God will heal me so that I can come back to my family. Thanks for your help.

my Mother my Confidence,
Do you mind me asking why you have no income? Are you or your husband unable to work for some reason? Is this a temporary situation? Given that you are accepting gov’t assistance, I will assume neither of you is independently wealthy. Help me understand how your husband thinks it’s permissible not to employ even NFP and require others to financially support your lifestyle choice to have a baby? I don’t mean to put you on the defensive…I just don’t understand this kind of thinking.
Island Oak:
Do you mind me asking why you have no income? Are you or your husband unable to work for some reason? Is this a temporary situation? Given that you are accepting gov’t assistance, I will assume neither of you is independently wealthy. Help me understand how your husband thinks it’s permissible not to employ even NFP and require others to financially support your lifestyle choice to have a baby? I don’t mean to put you on the defensive…I just don’t understand this kind of thinking.
We conceived our child before DH withdrew from college at the end of the winter semester. Our last job was his work-study job at the college. As I’m pregnant and the doctor told me to stay off my feet last Sunday, I can’t job-hunt. I intend to do all that I can in the way of writing articles and submitting them for income. I’m unable to work. DH has been job-hunting since January; he’s applied at almost every fast-food restaurant in town and all the computer places in town. He applied at Wal*Mart and got them to tell him that they would call him back about four times; they haven’t even given him an interview. (He is qualified for most computer jobs and he’s a hard worker.) We appreciate all the prayers we can get; our friends and family have been praying for us for months. There’s a Catholic charity in town that gave us baby clothes for our preborn child and friends and family have given us maternity clothes. We are learning to be thrifty and God is teaching us to be totally dependent on Him and to be grateful for all that we have (running water, microwave, fridge, stove, oven, faith, love, friends, family, etc.). Does that answer your question?

my Mother my Confidence,
I appreciate your patience and willingness to share. You face many stressful challenges and I sincerely wish you the best and will say a prayer that your husband finds his calling, not just a temporary end to unemployment. Best wishes for your health and that of your baby. You sound as if you have been blessed with great faith and optimism–virtues that some never discover.
Island Oak:
I appreciate your patience and willingness to share. You face many stressful challenges and I sincerely wish you the best and will say a prayer that your husband finds his calling, not just a temporary end to unemployment. Best wishes for your health and that of your baby. You sound as if you have been blessed with great faith and optimism–virtues that some never discover.
Thank you so much for your kind words. God has blessed us a lot. DH will tell you that I’m not always an optimist. I thank God for such a wonderful husband every day. He makes me laugh every day. Humor is essential in every situation and I’ve learned to laugh at myself…I don’t know how I’d survive if I didn’t.

my Mother my Confidence,
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