Suggestions for recovery from knee replacement surgery

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Hi, everyone,

Peeps does NOT want this to be a “medical advice” thread, but merely a “comfort thread,” hopefully with some practical suggestions and advice.

After almost 20 years of pain from osteoarthritis in my knee, I’m having total knee replacement surgery tomorrow (Sept 23) at 11:45 in the morning. I’m actually really excited, although my physical therapy daughter tells me to expect a lot of pain.

But I’ve talked to others who said they were up and about with little pain within a few days!

SO…has anyone else here had knee replacement surgery? Any advice for me? How long did it take for you to heal and feel “good” again. Any regrets? Any praises?


And incidentally, Peeps appreciates any prayers! 🙂
I’ve had both knees replaced, at age 59 and 60. One was very complicated and one was pretty routine. Pain? Eh, yea, but then I’m not a stoic sufferer. It wasn’t anything that wasn’t controllable or really bad.

Get with the physical therapy and push it, but listen to the therapist worse thing is to be lax. Three month following the more complicated surgery was taking an easy trail in Quebec.
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I don’t have advice. Hope the surgery goes well and recovery goes smoothly.
Right knee total replacement here! Best and worst surgery I ever had. Definitely take the pain meds before the pain gets unbearable…don’t be a hero! Stay on top of it!

Follow the therapy exactly. Tell them when it hurts. Tell them when you’ve had enough…their job is to push you as far as you can go so you have to tell them when that it!

Best surgery I ever had. I would have had to quit my job otherwise. I am walking pain free after years of suffering with it. Even steroid shots didn’t help anymore.

The first week is bad then it starts getting better…just keep telling yourself that each day is the worst going forward. It really does get better every day AND WORTH IT!

Long term, the only issue is occasional banding…it’s a feeling like a tight band is wrapped around your knee…not painful, just a tight feeling. A few bending the knee back and forth and it’s gone. That’s literally it! You’ve got this! By the time you read this, it will be done and you’re on the mend! You go girl!
Thanks everyone. Following your advice. Home today with some pain, but bearable. Doing exercises.

So glad to hear it! How long were you in the hospital? Did you feel that you got really good care? Did they know you are a Tech? 😂 I found that my care was upped a notch if they knew I was a fellow health care worker so, yeah, I used it! 🤣

Keep on healing and improving. You will be delighted after the pain is gone and your knee “just works” again! ❤️
Stayed one night because the narcotics in the IV made me sick to my stomach. They always do, but no one believes me when I tell them.

Other than that, I’m getting really good care. PT here at home–nice!
Stayed one night because the narcotics in the IV made me sick to my stomach. They always do, but no one believes me when I tell them.

Other than that, I’m getting really good care. PT here at home–nice!
Was the IV morphine? I am pretty resistant to narcotics. They never believe me that typical doses won’t do a thing and morphine seems to be the worst. I literally get no pain relief but eventually I reach a state where I don’t care that I’m writhing in pain! 😱. Once they put me on another narcotic, I do much better! I’ve learned that if I ever undergo surgery again, I’m meeting with a pain specialist first. I’m tired of no one believing me and assuming I’ll do just fine…like everyone else!

I’ve dealt with this issue for every surgery I’ve had…and I’ve had quite a few. Once they listen and put me on the meds that work, I do great…I just suffer terribly until then! I refused IV morphine after my hysterectomy and insisted on plain old Vicodin pills. They let me have them instead and I swear it was as easy to recover as a typical monthly period!

Your stay seems really short but I guess it doesn’t surprise me…they are getting better and quicker all the time. I think I was in for 4 days? I, too, was so happy to go home and have home therapy. It’s much better when it can be done on your schedule instead of a therapist just showing up in my room…like while I was eating or in the bathroom! :hugs:

Is your knee about twice the size it normally is? And bruised in a rainbow of colors! 🤣🤣🤣. Mine was HUGE!
I’m not sure what was in the IV, but what wasn’t in the IV was an anti-nausea med–until I started dry-heaving uncontrollably. Then they put the anti-nausea med in, and within a half hour, my stomach settled down.

I’m wondering if anti-nausea meds have some kind of toxic side effect, so docs are reluctant to use them? I’ll have to do a little googling.

I’ve talked to people who stayed for 4 days, and others went home the same day. I was supposed to go home same day, but had to stay because of the nausea. I agree, it’s better to be at home. I can wear a “decent” nightgown instead of those gowns that have a tendency to show too much skin!

My knee is heavily wrapped in ace bandage, which supposedly can come off for icing, but since it’s so well-wrapped, my husband and I are leaving it alone until a physical therapist takes it off. I’m guessing it’s pretty bruised. I can see streaks of bruising and petechiae on the thigh above the wrap.

I do feel pretty good, though, and I have to admit that it’s wonderful to be home instead of working. I’m not doing much, but I think I need that break. In a few weeks, I’ll probably be stir-crazy, though. Thankfully I’ve built up 8 weeks of leave time at work (thanks to all the overtime during COVID), so won’t have to be on any disability payments.

Thanks for your interest and encouragement!
. I can wear a “decent” nightgown instead of those gowns that have a tendency to show too much skin!
I call those “one size fits no one”! 😂

Be ready for that ace bandage to come off! You’ll freak out just a little seeing how swollen it is! 🤣. As you move and bend it more and more, the swelling reduces nicely. I remember the first time the PT helped me to start bending my knee. I thought my kneecap was going to shoot across the room! It didn’t.:hugs:

I’ll be thinking of you, for sure! Keep us posted and enjoy your earned rest! ❤️
Hi Peeps, praying all is going well. I am sorry I am seeing this three days after your surgery. I’ve never had knee replacement surgery, but something from my reverse shoulder replacement surgery experience may help.

I’ve got really bad osteoarthritis and have had both of my hips replaced, and my right shoulder replaced. After both my hip replacements, pain, nausea and recovery went as usual surgeries. But my reverse shoulder replacement three years ago was like nothing I had ever experienced!!!

My last appt. before my surgery, my Dr. asked me if I wanted to buy a little cooling machine. Insurance wouldn’t cover it, but he highly suggested I go ahead and get it since any shoulder surgeries were VERY painful. It looks like a little cooler that you add ice and water to, and this cool water circulates through a pad that you place over the surgical area. Most of the surgery pain comes from swelling, and keeping the area cool 24/7 will keep the swelling down = less pain. So I bought it, and the company even delivered it to my hospital room during my surgery. (I can’t remember the exact price, I think it was about $129.

While waiting for my surgery, the anesthesiologist came in and we talked (as one usually does). I explained that I get totally sick from anesthesia, and throw up for days after. He said that there was a new one that has been in use in Europe, and that had just been O.K.'d in the US a year ago. He said it was really expensive, and that he had been waiting for the perfect patient to try it on, and that was going to be me. He also did what all the others had done before, put the nausea patch behind my ear and Dramamine in the drip.

Came out of surgery about 10:00ish, and felt really good. By noon (yes, only two hours after my surgery), I told the nurse that I wanted to get up and walk around. So I got to walk around the hospital halls for about five minutes, then went back to my room. Then, the most shocking thing of all, my stomach was growly since I hadn’t eaten since the night before, I asked them if I could have lunch. They made me eat a Jello first to see how that went, and by 12:30, I was having a normal lunch! No stomach issues, no headaches, no dizziness, not of the usual garbage from anesthesia that I had suffered with my whole life.
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Went home the next morning, sat/laid in an anti-gravity chair with my little water cooling machine humming along. I kept that cooling pad on 24/7, and as God is my witness, I did not have to take one pain pill. I had no pain in the hospital after the anesthesia wore off either, but the nurses said the pain was going to come and made me take the pain pills. Well, the pain never came. After I left the hospital, I did not use a pain pill of any kind. Was no pain from my little water cooling machine having kept the swelling away? That my Dr. is a genius? That it was a miracle from God?

Had my surgery on a Monday morning, left the hospital Tuesday morning, and the Dr. had me in physical therapy Thursday morning! I was like YIKES!! My Dr. is a young guy and used to be one of the orthopedic doctors for the 49n’ers and for the Stanford Football team, so he has THAT mentality of get them fixed and keep them active, moving and strong.

I did push myself in physical therapy. I didn’t do anything that made it hurt, but I did make my muscles work. The best thing I did, was roll my arms forward with a noodle, and when my right shoulder muscles got tight, I calmly let them stay in that position, and they would finally relax just a tiny bit, and I would roll my shoulder forward just that tiny bit more. Kept doing that and Dr. said because of that, I have my full range of motion and no scar tissue to impede movement. My reverse shoulder replacement works like a charm, and I always forget that my shoulder isn’t the one I was born with. Here I am a “mature lady” and my dr. always calls me his poster child for shoulder replacements… lol

Praying for your quick recovery. God bless you Peeps.
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Thanks, tuscany! Glad to hear you’re in good shape. I’m doing well–not taking pain pills except at night to sleep. The bruising is spectacular!
Awesome Peeps, you sound like you are in good spirits! Keeping you in my prayers for fast healing and excellent results. 🙏 🙏
( and here are some Peeps for you ! 🐤 🐤 🐤 )
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