Suggestions for someone new to Missals?

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Hi! The liturgical year is pretty simple really.
Sundays are broken up into Year A Year B Year C
Weekday morning masses (including saturday morning mass) are broken up into 1st cycle and 2nd cycle. We are currently In Year A for sundays and 1st year for weekdays. I usually do not meditate on the readings the night before/after, but if I miss a day of Mass, I definitely go back and read the readings. Missals are awesome for guarenteeing some daily Bible reading!
Have not heard of that commentary on the Psalms, is it good?

P.S. For weekday Masses, there is 1 reading, then a Psalm, then the Gospel reading. They usually try to connect them 🙂 God Bless~!
Have not heard of that commentary on the Psalms, is it good?
Here’s a link to it:

I haven’t really delved into it yet but I figured since I’m hearing Psalms at every Mass it would be nice to know what they’re about beforehand.
They usually try to connect them
Thanks. I notice that the Sunday readings are connected but I wasn’t sure about the weekday readings.
I have the St. Joseph Sunday Missal. I like the explantions it gives of the theme of each Sunday Mass and of each of the readings. On Sundays the first reading the psalm and the gospel have the same theme. On weekday readings they pretty much go through the books start to finish. By reading them you read a lot of the Bible. I read the mass before I go. I don’t meditate, I just read it.I will also read along at mass if the reader is hard to understand. If its a good reader I just listen. St. Josephs has a chart in the front of the book. Each year is a column, you find the date and it tells you the page. Remember, the liturgical year begins in late November or early December with the first Sunday of Advent.
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