St. Thomas was amazing in many ways. He was so well-organized and his mind obviously was nimble. What a prolific writer!
But when I stumbled upon one section I found my view of Aquinas severely dimnished. It was his suggestion for dealing with heretics. They should be delivered to the civil authorities, he said, and put to death. Heresy, he went on, was worse than most crimes as it led to eternal damnation, which could in fact be worse than murder. A murderer might get to heaven but noit a heretic. So anyone promoting heresy should be executed.
So, was Aquinas right or wrong on this matter? I guess I've given my opinion already. I feel badly that I see him through the prism of his recommendation for handling heresy, and my earlier admiration quite quickly diminished.
God bless the whole world, Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants - and, yes, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and all of God's children, whatever their religion, race, nation or other circumstance (usually something they were born into).