The liturgical calendar dictates that the Collect, Epistle and Gospel for today`s Mass are taken from The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Mass Proper available here:
N B The liturgical calendar dictates that the Collect, Epistle and Gospel for today`s Mass are taken from The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany)
A document containing the complete Latin text and English translation, for both Low and High Mass, and the appropriate Propers for this Mass (plus a New User guide, should that be of interest) is to be found here:
The liturgical calendar dictates that the Collect, Epistle and Gospel for today`s Mass are taken from The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany.
Should you wish to have a free pdf copy of a Traditional Latin Mass Missal (minus Proper- which is linked above) with English translation and user guide, it can be found here:
( Atención: si desea una traducción pdf de la Misa latina tradicional en español, que también contiene una guía del usuario, puede encontrarla aquí. (El libro es gratis!)
Proprio de la missa de hoy
(Atención El calendario litúrgico dicta que la Colecta, la Epístola y el Evangelio para la Misa de hoy se toman del Sexto Domingo después de la Epifanía.)
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