The word used is “συγγενις”, which is #4773 in
Strong’s. Here’s the info:
4773**|suggenes**|** { soong-ghen-ace’} **
from 4862 and 1085; TDNT - 7:736,1097; adj
AV - kinsman 7, cousin 2, kinsfolk 2, kin 1; 12
GK - 5150 { συγγενης } & 5151 { συγγενις }
- of the same kin, akin to, related by blood
- in a wider sense, of the same race, a fellow countryman
Here are the related words:
συγγενεια | 4772 | {N-DSF} | kindred
συγγενειαν | 4772 | {N-ASF} | kindred
συγγενειας | 4772 | {N-GSF} | kindred
συγγενεις | 4773 | {A-APM},{A-NPM} | cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman)
συγγενεσιν | 4773 | {A-DPM} | cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman)
συγγενευσιν | 4773 | {A-DPM} | cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman)
συγγενη | 4773 | {A-ASM} | cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman)
συγγενης | 4773 | {A-NSM},{A-NSF} | cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman)
συγγενις | 4773 | {N-NSF} | cousin, kin(-sfolk, -sman)
Hope that helped…
God Bless,
BTW, Robert Sungenis is what I thought this thread was about. If you search the apologetics forum, you’ll find out
way more about him than you wanted to know. Just figured you might get a little more info with a different thread topic line…