Supporting bad companies

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Is it a sin to use or buy products from a company that supports bad things?
I’ve read about this and it seems like it is not, unless it’s directly funding something like an abortion clinic.
I was thinking about using a free app from nike but I’m not sure if nike is a good company.
What do you think?
The apologists at Catholic Answers have answered similar questions on whether a Catholic is morally required to boycott certain companies here:

How do I explain to my friends that it is wrong to buy Girl Scout cookies? Ask an Apologist
Recently I discovered that the national headquarters of the Girl Scouts of America contributes money to Planned Parenthood. When I posted this information on Facebook, some of my friends were very supportive and are really checking the issue out; but others, even those who are fine Christian believers, have simply said they do not want to hurt the sweet little girls who come to their house to sell cookies and that such young girls have nothing to do with the national headquarters’ decisions. Thi…

Sadly it’s very difficult to live your life right now without giving money to some organisations that support, for examples, LGBT issues and abortion. Most of the big brands do. You’ve have to be very selective, almost impossibly selective, to avoid them.
If you search these forums for the word “boycott” you will find this topic has been discussed many times.

Should we wish to avoid commerce with any company that has donated to something we deem sinful, we would have to live off the grid and produce everything, food, textiles, etc. ourselves.
The larger the company, the less likely it is to respect Judeo Christian principles. That doesn’t mean every small company is good, but intentional goodness seems possible only when a few families are in control of a company.

If you go on Amazon, see if there’s a smaller company that makes what you want at an affordable price. If so try to order directly from that company.

Amazon takes a huge commission. They use their power to force their “captive” companies to pull in other companies. Eventually they will likely require their captives to support the same ideological purposes.

Shopping Local is a good idea, but I would rather support some small business in another state than the chain store down the street.
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