Supreme Court Contraceptives case-Please explain

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I understand why using contraceptives is immoral but I do not understand why it is immoral for an employer to pay for an employee’s contraceptives. Are contraceptives (the object) intrinsically evil? I’d understand condoms, implants, and plan B as being classified “intrinsically evil” because these things only serve one purpose, contraception. Would the birth control pill be considered “intrinsically evil” (if that is even a way to describe an inanimate object). I know many women who use it to regulate periods and stuff like that. I have also heard on Catholic answers that there is nothing wrong with using birth control pills for that purpose.

Also what moral culpability would the employer have for providing contraceptives. Would a gun retailer have the same moral culpability if a homicide was committed with a gun he sold?

I want the Church to be right on this but I’m having difficulty seeing why they would be right.
I’d imagine that an insurance company wouldn’t say if it’s perscribed for bad periods it’s covered, but if it’s perscribed to prevent pregnancy it isn’t.

Even if it was morally permissable to provide insurance that covers immoral methods of preventing pregnancy, I can understand why a Catholic wouldn’t want to and don’t think they should be forced to.

On saying that, I think an employee should be able to seek alternative insurance if they don’t like their employers policy.
The medicine ingredients are morally neutral. The act of contraception is intrinsically evil. Those ingredients can be used for other treatments.
Did you have a question about the Supreme Court case (as the title suggests)?
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I understand why using contraceptives is immoral but I do not understand why it is immoral for an employer to pay for an employee’s contraceptives.
The legal case isn’t one of “morality”, per se, but of the government imposing a requirement upon an employer which infringes on their religious beliefs.
Are contraceptives (the object) intrinsically evil?
Contraception is intrinsically evil.
Would the birth control pill be considered “intrinsically evil” (if that is even a way to describe an inanimate object). I know many women who use it to regulate periods and stuff like that. I have also heard on Catholic answers that there is nothing wrong with using birth control pills for that purpose.
Correct. In that case, they aren’t birth control pills. They are hormone pills treating a disease, which by the way those hormones can be prescribed in other ways. I don’t believe the legitimate use of hormones is prevented.
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