Would you?
LifeNews.com Editor
December 5, 2005
**Winston-Salem, NC (LifeNews.com) – **A new survey conducted by Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center claims people would be less likely to lose confidence and trust in a doctor who engaged in euthanasia or assisted suicides than some may think.
“Overall, three times as many people disagree as agree that legalizing physician-assisted death would cause them to trust their personal doctors less,” Mark Hall, professor of public health sciences at Wake Forest Baptist.
I know I would not.:nope:
by Steven ErteltSurvey Claims People Won’t Distrust Doctors Who Engage in Euthanasia
LifeNews.com Editor
December 5, 2005
**Winston-Salem, NC (LifeNews.com) – **A new survey conducted by Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center claims people would be less likely to lose confidence and trust in a doctor who engaged in euthanasia or assisted suicides than some may think.
“Overall, three times as many people disagree as agree that legalizing physician-assisted death would cause them to trust their personal doctors less,” Mark Hall, professor of public health sciences at Wake Forest Baptist.
I know I would not.:nope: