Susan G. and Planned Parenthood

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No, I don’t think you were wrong at all. It sounds like a very non-confrontational way to explain why you cannot give financial support to her charity without hurting feelings. you don’t have to be uncomfortable in saying no and there’s no heated abortion debate started in the office. If she thinks you are wrong for stating a refusal to give funds to an organization that funds abortion, then that is on her conscience not yours. I would not discuss or e-mail any other response though if she should reply. Just be silent and let her rant to herself, should she feel the need. You are not under any obligation to support her personal goals.
Surely there must be more then one group that supports breast cancer research. Couldn’t you offer to donate money to one of those in leiu of your coworker’s original suggestion?
Can I get y’alls thoughts on the following:

Was it wrong for me to put the following article

in a coworkers mailbox? The article basically talks about how Susan G. Komen breast cancer foudation supports planned parenthood financially. The reason why I did it is b/c she wants people to sponsor her when she goes on a Susan G. Komen walk to raise money.

If you did not, I personally would have approached her and informed her that you would love to support cancer research, but that you cannot support an organization that financially supports planned parenthood. That you would be happy to forward to her an article regarding the same; and leave it at that. This leaves less room for misinterpretation of your actions/response.

Good for you and God bless you! for distinguishing yourself as a prolife coworker.
I faced the same situation with a woman in my former church who annually did the “Race for the Cure” and solicited donations. When I realized that SGK foundation supported PP I told her I could not support any organization that diverted funds to an abortion provider. She was actually unaware of the link between SGK and PP. While it may well be she will continue to participate in the RFTC, she was not offended by my saying no and said she appreciated the info. Now someone who is a rabid proabort might be offended but I think people who understand that we must give to organizations that reflect our own morals and ethics instead.

Lisa N
Can I get y’alls thoughts on the following:

Was it wrong for me to put the following article

in a coworkers mailbox? The article basically talks about how Susan G. Komen breast cancer foudation supports planned parenthood financially. The reason why I did it is b/c she wants people to sponsor her when she goes on a Susan G. Komen walk to raise money.

You did the right thing. I have this problem a lot, people are always doing a walk or a run for something and almost all medical research is on the backs of aborted babies or stem cells… so people get my talk… and now they get the talk when they try to sell me girl scout cookies too.

you know, come to think of it… no one comes to ask anymore!
Surely there must be more then one group that supports breast cancer research. Couldn’t you offer to donate money to one of those in leiu of your coworker’s original suggestion?
There are a few Pro-Life Breast Cancer Research Groups. I was in the same situation and told the person I would donate to Polycarp instead. They are 100% Pro-Life. Another I believe is ABC ( with Karen Malec. I emailed Karen and she gave me a third option but I forgot what it was now. Email Karen Malec and she will help you out on this!
I agree with the posters who said anyone asked to support something s/he doesn’t should simply explain the reasons why in a calm and non-confrontive manner. The overwhelming majority of people who participate in charity fundraisers are doing so in good faith and probably don’t know the details of the organization they support. Because of this, I think it would be inappropriate to turn such a request back on the person asking by using it as a point to make or debating it. Never underestimate the power of a consistent and quiet witness.

A question for the OP: did you give your coworker the article after she asked you for support and you said no? If not, or if you did it annonymously, I think she might mistake your good intentions for passive aggression. Maybe not though, I suppose it would depend on the person. Either way, way to stay informed and witness to your faith!

You were right to do as you did. Aside from people’s objection to abortion in principle, the funding of a procedure which may increase the likelihood of breast cancer makes the information you provided extremely relevant, even for so-called pro-choicers who are interested only in preventing and curing breast cancer.

Has anyone noticed on this Mothers Day the Susan B. Komen Foundation is forcing the Major League Baseball Players today to wear pink armbands for Breast Cancer Awareness?

I noticed some players have refused to wear the pink armbands! These must be the players who have done their research on the Susan B. Komen Foundation and realize Komen has ties to Planned Parenthood (the World’s Largest Abortion Providers) & Abortion has ties to causing Breast Cancer!

Kudo’s goes out to the players refusing to wear the pink armbands today!!! Susan B. Komen is the wrong organization to send funds to stop Breast Cancer. Instead we should send funds to 100% Pro-Life Breast Cancer Research organizations like…

Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Prevention Institute

Polycarp Research Institute

Learn About the ABORTION/BREAST CANCER LINK. Listen to this INTERVIEW!!!

**27. ****Program Name: **The World Over Listen Now Download**Series Name: **The World Over **Host: **Raymond Arroyo w/ Susan Gertz and Karen Malec **Date Produced: **1/30/2004 **Description: **Breast Cancer’s possible Link to Abortion: Our in-studio guests will be Susan Gertz, Executive Director of the Women’s Injury Network and Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer.
I’m not sure that “placing an article in her mailbox” was appropriate…particularly not if it was done anonymously (you did not indicate one way or another).

As others have noted, the best thing to do would be to just be simple and honest: “I’m sorry, Marge. I would be happy to sponsor your efforts, but I cannot support the Susan B. Komen Foundation, because I am not comfortable with some of the ways they invest the money they raise.” Period. Don’t preach to her. If she asks what the Komen Foundation does that bothers you – well, tell her, in a straightforward way: “They support Planned Parenthood, which promotes abortion. I object to this both because I believe abortion is wrong, and because there is evidence that abortions contribute to subsequent breast cancer – so they’re spending money in ways that work against their own mission.”

Don’t tell her she’s doing something wrong; don’t criticize her at all. Just be frank about where you stand, and let her make her own choices. Let your conviction and honesty speak for itself.

This is what troubles me most about “putting something in her mailbox,” I think. It suggests that you (or somebody – she may not know who) is trying to sneak the information about Komen to her – that you’re not willing to be frank and honest about it. And if you’re not willing to be open and honest, why should somebody believe what you’re trying to infer by other means?

You’ve got a good message here. It will be most effective if it’s delivered with quiet conviction and frankness, not through subterfuge.
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