Sustainable/net zero/off-the-grid home building

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Okay, so it’s not a Catholic topic, but there are so many great and trustworthy folks on this site I thought I’d give it a try.

My wife and I are planning on building our (ahem) “final resting place” – i.e., the one we’ll be resting in during our retirement years. We’re hoping to build one that is designed using sustainable/net zero/off-the-grid ideas. (I realize these terms aren’t full interchangeable, but I’m also not yet educated enough to understand the nuances.)

We’re hoping to keep it below $250K, at least 2000 sq. ft., and we live in Central Texas.

I’ve been perusing all the books on Amazon, but don’t know which one to buy, or if there’s a better resource.

Ideas? Recommendations?
I would imagine that there are a large number of things to avoid down that path. It’s very popular to do this sort of a build, and the economy is doing very well, especially the housing market. Given those factors, there’s going to be a ton of stuff out there that isn’t worth a you know what.

If it were me, I would look for something that integrates methods from the pre-grid days. In Texas, that might mean thick masonry walls and large overhangs for example.
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Although you seem to want to try something innovative, start with the ‘tried and true’. Look at houses. See what you’re allowed to see of their basic plans, then speak to the owners of these houses. If possible, try to speak to the builders-or even the architects.

Don’t try to seem nosy, but interested. If you see some houses built with such a purpose in your own neighborhood, so much the better.

And, don’t…DON’T…get involved with any fly-by-night schemes. Remember, deals that seem too good to be true usually are! Deal with people you will likely see/speak to again. And don’t be afraid to ask for credentials, insist upon them before any substantial finance changes hands.

I’m no expert on building, so, I’ve just tried to share some common sense and basics. Maybe a later poster will be able to help, there?

Good luck.
You are in Texas which is a plus but you should also check with the legality of what you wish to accomplish. I have several friends who have homes and even RVs that are converted to 100 percent self sustained and off the grid. It’s cool and novel but also, to me unnecessary, of course teotwawki might convince me otherwise, but then again I have guns… lol

Also that seems like a lot of square footage. Usually the tiny house model has a greater appeal. And it’s more in keeping with the goal. My wife and I dream of tiny house living when the kids are grown…
Found this site and watched their videos, which were very compelling:

I’ve messaged them to see if they serve our area.

I’m still hoping to find some reputable books or videos to educate me on the topic.
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Well, TEOTWAWKI is a motivating factor, I’m a would-be prepper with very limited financial resources. I have dreams of what I’d like to do, but then there’s the present reality of LAWCKI (life as we currently know it)!

As for the square footage, our current home is 1484 sq. ft., and we’re busting at the seams with our “stuff.” I’ve given a lot of consideration to the tiny house concept. I have an aunt who was very wealthy, but in her declining years she had a small, one-bedroom home that she was very happy with. My wife and I admired her for that, and talked a lot about it, but as one of my favorite George Carlin routines so aptly points out, we started with a little “stuff,” accumulated more “stuff,” and now we have to buy a bigger house for that “stuff.” (Hopefully, we’re too old to accumulate sufficiently more stuff in our retirement years to require us to someday purchase a yet bigger house!)

I often joke that what we really need is a 10’ X 10’ bedroom, a small kitchen, a small living room, and 10,000 sq. ft. of closet space!

Actually, there’s a lot more to it than that, but in any event, 2000 sq. ft. is the target point. We take care of our grandchildren, my daughter had to move back in with us, etc., etc.
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What are your plans for water and sewage?

Have you seen the earlier thread, might have some tips?
Homesteading and living simply Catholic Living
So currently I’m working on my homestead. I’ve gained some inspiration from some catholic honesteaders, permaculturalists, Pope Pius, and the catholic land movement. My house is going to be made out of about 3 shipping containers, one will be the kitchen, second will be my room/living room, third will be divided into sections for kids rooms. Electricity will come from about six solar panels, water will come from a well, and the majority of the food will come from my permaculture and animals. I’l…
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I’m strongly considering the water collection and recycling concepts I’ve seen videos about.

No, I haven’t seen that thread. Thanks! I’ll take a look at it. Unfortunately, I have to go now. My one-year-old granddaughter is calling me. (If you don’t have grandkids, you gotta get you some!)
Buy some raw land for about $10k and place some shipping containers and make it a house. Then your house would only be around $9k.
If you get a shipping container shipped to your property, this will be $2,800. Get it insilated for about $200, Get a steel cutter and cut a door way, next install a door for about $250. Then get a gas powered generator, around $350. Purchase and install a composting toilet, $300. Next thing to do is furnish the house, do it yourself for free. Buy effiecient solar panels for $2,000. Also go to the store and get a woodstove and solar cooker, about $370, then spend about $1,000 on an off grid solar refridgerator with an additional 200 watt solar panel which will be around $330. Get a coleman portable stove, about $45, along with a $50 charcoal grill. Install internet for $50 Then spend an extra $78 on camping equipment, solar lanterns, solar phone charger, more cooking supplies ect. Total: $9,300

You will only have to make around 20k per year for upkeep and still have enough to upgrade your home.
Just going to put on my tin hat here for a second. OP: You also need to take into account your age and ability as time progresses. Upkeep, maintenance and the ability to generate power and water suitable for self sustainability is extremely taxing and labor intensive. It’s a little more complicated than being able to change oil in a car. My friends who do this are young, incredibly skilled and inclined mechanically. Also, this mentality is a lifestyle change. All that stuff ( love that carlin bit) So, you are really going to have to let go of your stuff. Also, your essential stuff better include firearms and the will to use them. While we are at it, hopefully you have extensive experience with hunting and storing food long term.
The shipping container home has had my interest for a couple of years. Unfortunately, my wife does not share that interest in the least.
I mean it might not be the most interesting but it sure is the resourceful of the options. Other than shipping containers you can do an earthbag home which can actually be cheaper, and they look pretty cool. You also can do a yurt and sort of build on to it to make it bigger, however yurts can be a little pricey for what they are. This also goes for tiny homes. It’s often better to buy a $5,000 yurt rather than $10,000 tiny home, although a tiny home is already assembled and can place it’s own advantages in that aspect. I’m personally going with the shipping containers because it can at least get me started, then after a while I’m going to get some logs and make and integrate a log cabin design with my current container home. Another thing you can do actually just build a cabin home from scratch and as the years go by just add on to it. You could end up with a nice 1,000 sqft home. This is one of the reasons I’m actually moving north, most of the southern trees are not good to build with.
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@unitive_mystic ,
I had never heard about an earth bag home until a couple of days ago, when I was on Amazon looking for a book related to sustainable home design. Interestingly, I was talking to a patient yesterday who is in commercial construction, and when I asked him for info regarding sustainable home design, he mentioned that he is strongly considering an earth bag home for his family!

By the way, I saw the video you posted in the homesteading thread, showing the beautiful place in Ireland. I’m curious though, what kind of dog is that? A publicity hound? (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)
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My ex and I built a geodesic dome on top of a stone tower. The tower has cement pillars which we poured ourselves. It’s pretty cute, and there are heating/cooling advantages. He still lives in it.
Here’s a suggestion:
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