Swaddling clothes unblemished sheep

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I read in a few places Catholic and Christian that the Levite priests wrapped unblemished lambs in swaddling clothing and placed them in (stone) mangers to protect them.

I don’t think this is in the Bible and so it is either not true or a Jewish tradition oral or written.

The sheep were sacrificed for atonement of sins So it looks like a prefigurement of Jesus and his swaddling clothes in the manger, but since jews no longer sacrifice sheep In the temple it would be a bit of surprise if it is an oral tradition.

Does any one know of any good sources in investigating this.

Thank you
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Yes meant Catholic Christians and non Catholic Christians had a gin and tonic lol
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A manger is a feeding trough for cattle and sheep. It is not something a sacrificial lamb would be place in. It’s also not something anyone would be born in, despite the fairly constant references to ‘born in a manger’ in media.
Certainly lambs were sacrificed as a sin offering, but the bit about swaddling clothes and mangers sounds exceedingly unlikely. If there were any truth in it, surely we would have heard about it before now. How would they manage to keep it a secret for 2,000 years?
That’s what I’m thinking,
a Catholic friend posted about it but I noticed the non catholic article they provided had no source so I commented and said this, but am here looking just incase there is something, but would have thought thinking further the church fathers would have said something. I googled but all are similar articles someone saying this but with no source as though it’s made up
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The sad thing if this is made up is that are a lot liking it I’m surprised people don’t question sources!. Will watch this thread for a while incase some rabbi comes up with a 2000 year old document or something as would love it to be true and be verifiable, otherwise I might just say I have researched and found no evidence as tmy friend agreed it would be a good idea to research this.
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I recall hearing something about it, but I don’t know where to direct you for more info.God bless.
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