Swearing at your parents behind their back

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Hi im to these forums, Im 14, and me and my father got in a fight so I began to swear at him behind his back. I am going to confession and am wondering if I will need to tell him what I did thanks
Appoligize to your dad - too.
He wants the best for you - trust me.
In the future, learn how to chat with him…
to bounce ideas off him -
The Bible is LOADED with obeying and respecting your dad.
With mother’s, it’s more - don’t disappoint them.
Be a good son - God love’s that in families 😇
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Do you mean tell your dad? No. But do tell this in confession.

I have a penance for you if you would like to take it on. When we say bad words, like when we get mad, it’s like tipping a scale to one side. To balance it out, if I can say it that way, spend the next week saying every day something that praises God. Maybe when you have breakfast in the morning, spend a minute saying, Praise you Jesus thank you Jesus, five times. Tell God that you are sorry for swearing. Begin your penance even before you make it to confession.

Remember in the gospels how Peter denied Christ? Peter said to Jesus the night before, that No! I would never deny you! but a few hours later he was afraid and he denied Christ 3 times. Jesus appeared later to Peter and asked him 3 times, Peter, do you love me? Peter replied, Yes Lord I love you. It was a way to repair for the words he said earlier. We would be smart to do the same.

May God bless and keep you.
Alright thank you everyone, this was my first post and I did not except to see replies so quickly. Thank you all of you
I had the best dad, and there were times I wasn’t too obedient and charitable behind his back. But I always loved him and I realize looking back he always had my best in mind. Don’t beat yourself up over it, teens do things like this, just confess it and try not to do it again.
A father determines that a boy will be, a dad determines what a boy will become. Find your dad, he might just be the best friend and ally you’ve got.
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