Sweatshop free shoe brands?

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Thank you, but I guess I should have specified that I am currently looking for athletic shoes. Do you know of any brands that sell shoes for a variety of purposes?
Depends on how you define “sweatshop”. What we in the U.S. may consider a sweatshop is the standard wage in that person’s country where they are working. And they need the job, I’m sure.

EDIT: I looked a bit into it, since I’'m in my own little world as many Americans are and did not think much about it.

Yeah, Nike was bad in the past about this policy, but it looks like they have cleaned up their act somewhat.

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I heard L.L.Bean is supposed to be good, but I’m confused because they sell other brands on their website.

Edit: Other brands being brands that aren’t great like Adidas.
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