Syllogisms for the Trinity from love

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  1. True love requires a lover chose(using free will) to love the beloved.
  2. Free will is a gift from the Creator making us in his image.
  3. Love is a part of the Creator’s image.
Ok, so love is God’s nature.
  1. There cannot be love without a lover, a beloved, and the love itself.
  2. God’s nature is love.
  3. God’s nature must be a lover, a beloved, and the love itself.
That, my friends, is the Trinity. As it has been described by many mystical saints, the Son is loved by the Father so intensely that the love is another person, the Holy Spirit.
There’s a bit extra.
The Father’s total Self-giving Love to the Son in eternity is reciprocated by the Son’s total Self-giving Love to the Father in eternity. The Holy Spirit is breathed or spirated in eternity by both Father and Son.

The Nicene Creed says that the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father** and the Son**”, rather than the Eastern Orthodox: “from the Father through the Son”.

Like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit possesses the fullness of the Godhead because everything that the Father is and everything that the Son is is in that Love.

Be-ing: the Father.
Know-ing: the Son.
Lov-ing: the Holy Spirit.
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