Tactics of the Enemy

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I thought it might be useful to start a thread about the tactics of the enemy.

Fr. Corapi in his talks talk about understanding the tactics of the enemy (Satan) so that we can recognize them and then counter them.

I will ask that people be kind when posting and leave out specific names from the examples (as they are not usually needed).
The enemy wants to soe discord among us. One way he does this is through the redefining the language so words with one meaning take on different and sometimes contradictory meanings. I call this Babeling the Language as in the Tower of Babel.

It can be words or phrases

An few examples

Love - depending on the context and the speaker can be true christian love, covenant matrimonial love, lust, a preference for, and other things as well.

Choice - selecting between alternatives or killing a child in the womb.

Freedom of Religion - freedom to exercise religion or totally exclusion for government and its people in any way.

and in religion is occurs as well. Consider what you have encounter in this forum with the different understandings of the word “pray”.
Retrovirus - When one undergoes conversion and can see holiness increasing in one’s life, nothing like a good dose of pride can lead to conceit, smugness and self-righteaousness. The only antidote is humility.

Humility is hard to pray for because we know how God gives it to us.
I thought it might be useful to start a thread about the tactics of the enemy.

Fr. Corapi in his talks talk about understanding the tactics of the enemy (Satan) so that we can recognize them and then counter them.
Satan is real and he does try to confuse us onto the wrong path. As believers we are even more so to be on guard against the enemies tactics.

The devil’s ultimate goal is to remove each of us from God’s presence permanently. He is even more active against those of us who believe as we are his greatest victory when we fall. He sometimes uses ploys which seem to lead people toward holiness, yet which turn out to be traps designed to impede our progress toward God.

For instance, In Acts we read about one of the enemies ploys concerning Paul and Silas as they were preaching the gospel in Macedonia:
As they were going to the place of prayer, they met a slave girl with an oracular spirit, who used to bring a large profit to her owners through her fortune telling. She began to follow Paul . . . shouting, “These people are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation.” She did this for many days. Paul became annoyed, turned, and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” Then it came out at that moment" (Acts 16:16-18).
There are two important details to be aware of in this passage. First, notice that it was a demonic spirit who was telling people to heed Paul’s teaching. The demon was calling people to believe the gospel which would, in the normal course of events, draw people to God. If you look closely you’ll also see there was an error subtly embedded in the demon’s message, “These people . . . proclaim to you a [not ‘the’] way of salvation,” implying that there are other ways to salvation. That is subtle but false, and completely contrary to the gospel Paul was preaching.

There is only one way to salvation: through Jesus Christ alone.

The demon in Acts 16 was trying to introduce error sugar-coated by a perfectly laudable appeal to embrace the gospel.

The devil can, if he thinks he needs to, use the incongruous ploy of urging us to turn to God as part of his larger plan of introducing error and exploiting religious fervor that’s not solidly grounded upon authentic Christian spirituality.

Those who preach another gospel or question the truth of the Churches teaching, walk on very perilous ground. They may feel they are following Christ but pride is always a stumbling block which we must work to acknowledge in ourselves and strive to overcome.
AND as Fr. Corapi says, pray the Rosary http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif daily.

Ask for a special intention for you priest, for all priests, as we offerour rosaries. An hour spent in prayer for your priest is a far better use of time than an hour spent criticizing him.
I find that a lot of times I have a feeling that I NEED something. That causes me to focus some or all of my attention on this so-called need.

For instance, right now, I feel like I really need to be doing something all of the time. I need to fill my day. However, once I get to evening mass and spend time reflecting on my day before the Blessed Sacrament, I soon discover that this is not what the Lord wants. He wants me to have time for Him daily.

So I would say that my feelings of what is important causes me to distort what I truly do need. I know the remedy however, prayer, peace, and surronding myself with positive things/people. Even coming here during the day helps me to slow down and refocus my attention.
That is subtle but false
Marie hit on a number of things.

I will built a bit on this one.

The enemy likes to take the truth and distort is subtly so that it is still appears to be the whole truth and starts to lead people astray for the complete truth. One word can make a big difference. The absence of a word or a phrase (and I am not talking about those that dirrectly negate) can weaken or distort truth of the message.

How do we reocognize this and counter it.

First, we have to train ourselves to discourse (speak and write) clearly & descriptively. We have to learn to avoid ambiguities and use definite terms. We have to include definitions of what we mean if there is doubt about how a word or phrase is being used.

Second, we have to listen (and read) closely what is being said to us, asking ourselves the questions, “what does it mean?”, “is it the whole truth?”, “what is the context?”, “who is the intended audience?”, “what the speaker (author) is trying to accomplish by say (writing) it?”.

Over time, we do develop a sense that something is off of order in what is being said. Listen to the sense, drive in, and find the subtle misdirection from the Truth.

Third, we have to realize that often the speaker we are listening to, has got this misdirection from someone else and may not even understand what they are saying. So being gentle, ask them about the specific meaning they wanted for area where you notice the subtly.

Fourth, we have to hold to the truth and being complete in discoursing about it, regardless of the “political correctness” of the message, and be insistant about it.

Where does a subtle nudge to the truth lead? It leads to large deviations to the truth until it is completely distorted or devalued by many people.
the enemy (as said before) will mix truth w/ lies, and try to tempt us all on our individual weaknesses…
don’t know if these will help or are appropriate for here, but the following has helped me…they are from different priests and other friends over the years… 🙂 it’s how i like to fight back
he = the enemy

when he tries to distract me during prayer (anywhere) w/ a thought of a person – i have either said that whoever comes to mind that day, let that image of the person be a prayer for them…or if it is a tempation (about a person or any other), then i offer it for those who would not fight such tempations…

when i feel nothing (dryness)…praise God!!! (we like the desert), or keep thanking Our Lord for the many blessings i’ve rcvd…

when i feel down or unworthy…i remind God that i am nothing w/o Him, but can do all w/ His grace and thank him…
say the St. Michael prayer and picture St. Michael winning the battle…

and always call on Jesus, Mary, and Joseph for help!
in all things, thank Him and ask for help…
Father Corapi also says that too many people mistake the meaning of the word Freedom and actually are exercising “License” How true.
Another tactic the enemy uses is to Encourage division and then cause interfighting.

Division* usually starts over something small and like a crack in glass, spreads to larger areas. Watch for the devisive voices advocating the small change and stubbornly insisting of their way to the point of disobedience against the lawful authority. These voices can leads to splinter groups who purpose is not only advocating their particular issues but distruction or weakening of the group from which they came.
  • sometimes division is good and required in the cause of advocating moral truths against those who advocate immorality. The protection of human life is a good example and cause for division against a lawful authority.
The enemy then takes the different groups differing on small issues and turns these issues into major fighting points and leads people to ruthlessness against the other group. The wastes the energies of each group in interfighter rather than working together for good.

How do we combat this?

First we avoid unnecessary division. We work within ourselves to resolve differences in a peaceful loviing civilized manners with openiness (no hidden agendas!), prayer, a** desire for the truth**, and a love for those with the other opinions. We clearly define terms so that all understand what we mean (countering the Babeling of the Language tactic discussed above ) We turn to lawful authorities when appropriate to resolve differences and use the appropriate procedures.

Second, when we are divided, in additional to the above, we discuss both our differences and our commonalities. Do not just look at the differences. We must love those we are divided from and try to understand their position. Division alone is not a valid reason for combative tactics nor guerilla warfare.
This thread made me dust off my copy of Father Corapi’s Old War New War. For the first time since I can remember, I have the tv on during the day.
This thread made me dust off my copy of Father Corapi’s Old War New War.
Feel free to share your insights to Father Corapi’s words of wisdom about the tactics of the enemy with us here.

Every time, I hear him I get more out of it.
Marie quotes, perhaps, the NAB, having the girl with demonic/pythonical spirit state: “who proclaim to you a way of salvation.” I just want to note that the Douay-Rheims Bible does not phrase it thus, saying instead “who preach unto you the way of salvation.” The Jerusalem Bible also does not indicate “a” way but says “to tell you how to be saved”. I suspect that the real issue for Paul was that the girl was stating all of this not through faith but through divination, or, that the girl was simply repeating something that others were saying, so as to look the more credible for her masters’ profit: this girl was working for others in the divination business, and was possessed for that reason.

In any event, about the general focus of this thread, I, too, am disturbed at subtle changes in meaning: words do matter, and this is why I attend the traditional Latin Mass: not the Novus Ordo in Latin and not the Novus Ordo. There are too many changes in meaning, changes in prayers, and so on. The New American Bible is also very problematic because of the changes it introduces.
Here is an essay I’ll throw in the discussion for those who may be interested:


Here’s the author’s three secret strategies:
These three secret strategies are:

All opinions are equal
Never judge anyone
Never step on toes

I’m a real fan of knowing that truth exists and that relativism is a danger to us individually and collectively. Just my :twocents:
In any event, about the general focus of this thread, I, too, am disturbed at subtle changes in meaning: words do matter, and this is why I attend the traditional Latin Mass: not the Novus Ordo in Latin and not the Novus Ordo. There are too many changes in meaning, changes in prayers, and so on. The New American Bible is also very problematic because of the changes it introduces.
Interesting. How did this become another battle ground for NO vs. Traditional Latin Mass? That is not what we are discussing. This thread is NOT about bashing the Ordo Missae. Lets keep it on Topic if you will be so kind.
These three secret strategies are:

All opinions are equal
Never judge anyone
Never step on toes
Nice article link. Another way this is put is

Truth is Subjective.

Again all of these are wrong and misdirections the enemy uses to obscure the Truth which is objective.
Here’s a great online book about changing the language:

**Unperceived Ideological Transshipment and Dialogue **tfp.org/what_we_think/dialogue/dialogue_intro.html
It is important to emphasize at the outset that the process in question is designed to predispose those naturally refractory to explicit forms of Marxist preaching in such a way as to make them favor communism’s tactics and doctrine and finally transform them into “useful idiots,” if not convinced communists. For this very reason, the process works on mentalities in an implicit way.
A characteristic and essential note of this process is that, throughout or almost throughout its course, its patients do not perceive that they are undergoing a psychological action caused by someone, nor do they realize that their impressions and sympathies are leading them toward communism. In varying degrees of clarity, they know that they are “evolving” ideologically. But it seems to them that this evolution is a process in which they themselves are gradually discovering or deepening their knowledge of an appealing “truth,” or constellation of “truths,” without the aid of anyone else. As a rule, during nearly the entire process these patients never realize that they are little by little becoming communists. If at a certain moment this danger were made apparent to them, they would ipso facto recognize the abyss into which they are falling and would step back.
Only in the final stage of this “evolution” does the patients’ interior transformation become so evident that they realize they are tending towards communism. But at this point their mentality has so “evolved” that the hypothesis of becoming adherents of communism no longer horrifies but rather attracts them.
My mention of the Mass was not gratuitous. Various posters to the thread propose that vague language, ambiguity, and subtle distortion of the truth are ways in which the enemy works. The Second Vatican Council uses a tremendous amount of ambiguous language, and the Novus Ordo rite of mass de-emphasizes heaven, hell, intercession, the saints, and more.

Another thing I noticed was T.A.Stobie suggesting that we: “[w]atch for the devisive voices advocating the small change and stubbornly insisting of their way to the point of disobedience against the lawful authority.” This perfectly describes the modernists in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, especially seeking ways to dissent from teachings about Scripture.

The thread does not need to follow up on these matters. I add them simply because they seem relevant to the theme of ambiguity and subtle diversion.

I would say that the enemy works by tricking a person into being comfortable with an error, or into thinking they have the whole truth when they have only part of it. That is the main thing.
Everyday Spiritual Warfare

There are rules of spiritual warfare. St. Paul describes the tools to fight this battle. He reminds us in the 6th chapter of his letter to the Ephesians that our battle is not against human forces, but against principalities and powers the evil spirits in regions above.

This is an important because whenever we are in battle, it is important to define our enemy. This is no less true in spiritual warfare. If we do not do this, then our response may appear to lead us to victory when, in fact, it leads us to defeat. This is because we fight the wrong enemy and if that is the desire of the forces of evil; they win.

There are, therefore, three steps in engaging in spiritual warfare that are important in order to be successful.
  1. Define the enemy
  2. Determine the desires of the enemy
  3. Do the opposite
**1) Define the enemy. ** The enemy can be blatant or subtle. The enemy could be the temptation to sin or could manifest itself in a person who tells you to reject Christ or some of the teachings of the Church and it’s authority. In either case, the person or desire that wants you to act contrary to Christ.

The enemy can also be defined by lies. When some one is trying to convince you that black is white and up is down and good is bad, you could be dealing with the forces of evil. Remember the Prince of Lies cannot tell the truth. Yet, the Prince of Lies will call those who tell the truth liars. That is another sign. When you hear someone telling blatant falsehoods as truths and calling those who point out the truth liars, you are probably dealing with the forces of evil.

There are other manifestations as well. Basically look for what force leads you away from Christ, usually with a smile, by the way.

2) Determine the desires of the enemy. If it is the tempter, the desire is to lead you into sin. If it is someone trying to lead you away from Christ, this desire will become obvious, if you are attentive to it.

Watch out for a desire common seen in our Church today; it is to get the people against each other. Again, looking at the crisis in the Church, look back and see how much work was put together to get the people against their bishops and priests. Look at how much effort was put into leading people to believe the Bishops had lost their moral voice. Further, look at how little effort was spent in the calling all Catholics closer to Christ through repentance. Do not think these actions were not manifestations of the forces of evil. The desire was to get people to reject their leaders.

Watch out as well for those forces trying to get priests and bishops, as well as married laity to reject their vows or even walk away from their vocations.

3) Once you have determined the desires of the enemy, do the opposite. If the tempter is leading you into sin, walk the other way. If you are dealing with those trying to prevent you from going to Church, go to Church. If they are trying to get you to reject your priests and bishops, support your priests and bishops. If it is to be proud, be humble. If it is to procrastinate on your prayers, begin to pray.

The reality of spiritual warfare is real and is literally as common as sin. Yet, the closer we walk to Christ, the more we can see the whiles of the evil one. We can then see what it wants and do the opposite.
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