TAKE ACTION NOW! Indecent Programming is Flooding Our Airwaves

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** TAKE ACTION NOW! Indecent Programming is Flooding Our Airwaves

PTC President Brent Bozell was on Capitol Hill last week, fighting a David versus Goliath battle against dozens of powerful television industry lobbyists and insiders in a Senate hearing on TV indecency. What’s at stake is nothing less than control over *our *broadcast airwaves and the sort of content that will be coming into our homes through our television sets.

This fall we have seen more indecent and violent programming than we’ve seen in a long time. Obviously the broadcast networks don’t think the FCC is serious about enforcing the law.

That’s why we urgently need your help to send a loud-and-clear message to the FCC that they need to get serious about indecency enforcement.
On October 25 millions of families, including more than one million children under the age of 18, were subjected to a sick mixture of sex and violence on *NCIS*. What's even more shocking is the fact that this content happened in the first few seconds of this family-hour program.

  The November 6 episode of* Family Guy * - one of the highest-rated shows among young children -- included  animated nudity and explicit sexual dialogue.

  The November 15 Vibe Awards included a performance of the sexually explicit hit Hip-Hop song  "Play," during the Family Hour.
For more detailed content examples from these three broadcasts visit www.parentstv.org/ptc/action/sweeps/content.htm ** [WARNING: The content summary is explicit and will be EXTREMELY offensive to many]**
  	If you agree that these broadcasts violate your community standards, we need you to help flood the FCC with formal Indecency Complaints about this outrageous material.

  	Please take a moment today to go to  	

 	[ 	www.parentstv.org/ptc/action/sweeps/main.asp](http://www.parentstv.org/ptc/action/sweeps/main.asp)

and file your formal complaint.  The PTC will automatically forward your Indecency Complaint to the FCC.

  	It's also VERY IMPORTANT that you forward this e-mail to friends, relatives and colleagues in your e-mail address book who share your concern over the foul language, deranged violence and pandering sexual content that is being targeted directly at young people. Hopefully your friends, relatives and colleagues will forward this e-mail as well, and your protest will be multiplied many, many times over!

  	We simply can't let the broadcast executives at CBS, UPN and Fox get away with such vile programming content, or it will set a new and unspeakably low standard for all of prime time broadcast TV.

 	  	Last year, the PTC and its members hit the FCC with over 230,000 official Indecency Complaints. Because of your support in this campaign, the FCC is finally starting to take a hard look at indecency enforcement.  But we need to sustain the pressure on the FCC to enforce the law and to punish broadcasters when they break the law.

 	  	And we need to send a loud and clear signal to these networks and their owned and affiliated stations that it will cost them dearly in FCC fines and - possibly - their broadcast licenses themselves, for their part in pushing TV standards into the gutter.

 	  	 	Together, with a national grassroots response, we can stem the flow of  	filth, foul language and sick, ultra-violence on TV.

 	  	 	With urgent thanks,


  Tim Winter, Executive Director
PARENTS TELEVISION COUNCIL – Because our children are watching.
Why is this put in the government’s lap? Parents should be responsible for what their children watch. Why would parents let their children watch ncis, they know it is going to contain murder, it’s a crime show!
What’s at stake is nothing less than control over our broadcast airwaves and the sort of content that will be coming into our homes through our television sets.
The airwaves do not belong to you, they belong to those who pay for the license to broadcast. You already have control over your house, the T.V. comes with an on/off button, and a select channel button. Use these if you want to decide if and what your children are watching.
Yours in Christ,
Why is this put in the government’s lap? Parents should be responsible for what their children watch. Why would parents let their children watch ncis, they know it is going to contain murder, it’s a crime show!

The airwaves do not belong to you, they belong to those who pay for the license to broadcast. You already have control over your house, the T.V. comes with an on/off button, and a select channel button. Use these if you want to decide if and what your children are watching.
Yours in Christ,
Nope - the airways are public property and were set up to serve the common good. This provides a vehicle to fine the offenders.
Why is this put in the government’s lap? Parents should be responsible for what their children watch. Why would parents let their children watch ncis, they know it is going to contain murder, it’s a crime show!

The airwaves do not belong to you, they belong to those who pay for the license to broadcast. You already have control over your house, the T.V. comes with an on/off button, and a select channel button. Use these if you want to decide if and what your children are watching.
Yours in Christ,
I gotta say, I agree with you on this. There is a lot of stuff on TV that I find offensive so I don’t watch it. I read, watch another channel, watch a DVD or listen to music. There are plenty of options. Parents like to use TV as a baby sitter so they complain when the content isn’t for kids. IMO one of the main reasons kids are like they are today is because their parents are too busy to spend time with them.
Last year, the PTC and its members hit the FCC with over 230,000 official Indecency Complaints. QUOTE]

I wonder how many of those complaints were about a specific show.
Thank you for the alert which I have responded to. Thursday1, you have a point; parents must be more vigilant; nevertheless, there must be public standards of common decency. A lot of what is out there is unfit for anyone: children or adults. In the end, we forget that we are created in the image of God to give Him glory. In our everyday lives, we objectify and dehumanize each other as if we were entitled to lie, cheat and manipulate each other without ever realizing how debased our thinking and our attitudes have become. What scares me is all the adults who have unwittingly allowed themselves to be saturated with this dark culture and no one is there to restrict them.

That being said, we pay for our cable services and consumers have a right to demand value for their subscriptions. As it is, if one strays off EWTN one has to keep a vigilant hand on the remote control to quickly shut off an offensive program. Is it fair to expect customers to pay for a hundred channels when they can only watch one?
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