Take Mary Into Your Home

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I had the distinct impression very early today that Mary was deeply concerned when Fulton Sheen had such pains in the hospital. See renewamerica.us/columns/kralis/040810 how Fulton Sheen suffered on three feast days of Our Lady. Note also that after Fulton Sheen was born, his birth mother dedicated him on an alter to Mary. Archbishop Sheen was always dedicated to Mary, and offered Mass every Saturday in honor of the Blessed Mother to solicit her protection of his priesthood.

John 19:26-27 When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.

The NAB footnote to this verse is

This scene has been interpreted literally, of Jesus’ concern for his mother; and symbolically, e.g., in the light of the Cana story in John 2 (the presence of the mother of Jesus, the address woman, and the mention of the hour) and of the upper room in John 13 (the presence of the beloved disciple; the hour). Now that the hour has come (John 19:28), Mary (a symbol of the church?) is given a role as the mother of Christians (personified by the beloved disciple); or, as a representative of those seeking salvation, she is supported by the disciple who interprets Jesus’ revelation; or Jewish and Gentile Christianity (or Israel and the Christian community) are reconciled.

John 2:4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”

John 2:4 implies that Mary’s concerns do affect Jesus after His hour has come. It is after His hour has come that Mary can directly appeal to Jesus on our behalf.

Note that God is not a respector of persons. Romans 2:11 says There is no partiality with God.

When Jesus said to the disciple “Behold your mother”, it was out of concern for his disciple more than the concern for his mother. Mary was the Immaculate Conception. Since Mary was perfect, her needs were not as great. She always had much divine help. Mary is so ready to help all of Christ’s disciples. And she is more able to help now than at that time. We need to take her into our homes. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that I recently put a Holy Water Font up in my home with a statue of Mary on it.

I am in RCIA. So I’d like to hear any corrections.
I like the post.

I would be hesitant, however, to read that much into John 2:4, although I see no real harm in reading it as you do. I believe Jesus was actually speaking of “his time” right then rather than of Mary’s influence over him at a later time. Jesus knew that it was not the right time to reveal his powers as his real ministry had not yet begun.

But hey - He listened to his mother back then even when His mother’s wishes differed from His Heavenly mission. I’m certain He still listens.
The Barrister:
I like the post.

I would be hesitant, however, to read that much into John 2:4, although I see no real harm in reading it as you do. I believe Jesus was actually speaking of “his time” right then rather than of Mary’s influence over him at a later time. Jesus knew that it was not the right time to reveal his powers as his real ministry had not yet begun.

But hey - He listened to his mother back then even when His mother’s wishes differed from His Heavenly mission. I’m certain He still listens.
I appreciate your post because it is adding depth to my understanding.

**The Barrister: **As a Baptist, I also thought according to your understanding. That it wasn’t time for Jesus to reveal his powers. But really it was His time to begin His earthly ministry. Jesus had already selected some disciples in John chapter 1. His disciples had also come to the wedding at Cana. His real ministry had just begun. And Mary knew her role – she was without sin. She didn’t need to ask Jesus for more wine and it also wasn’t a sin for her to ask. Jesus and the disciples would have wanted the wine as well. And since Jesus lived a perfect life, He would have done the miracle because it was the perfect thing for Him to do at that place and time. I think the words between Mary and Jesus were spoken and recorded so that we would understand so much more about Mary.

My argument could be made even stronger if it could be shown that Jesus was already 30 years old at the wedding at Cana. Numbers 4:3 shows priests begin their full service at age 30. Although Jesus was a priest of the order of Melchizedek (not Levite).

The 2nd half of the long NAB footnote that I quoted begins “Now that the hour has come (John 19:28…” The word hour in the NAB John 19:28 footnote seems to directly reference the word hour in John 2:4. And the rest of the 2nd half of the long NAB footnote, seems to say pretty much what I said in my post.

To me, the 2nd half of the long NAB footnote seems to have come from the logical implication that Mary’s concerns do affect Jesus after His hour has come.

In John 2:4, why did Jesus say to his mother “My hour has not yet come.”? It isn’t mere idle talk.

When Jesus said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” and said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” These words weren’t meant to be only for an hour or only for a day.
Yes, there is significance to both Our Mother and Our Lord to when His hour comes. This can be observed more clearly in the Latin and in the Douay-Rheims: “And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come.” John 2, 4 (*). I have not investigated anything about Fulton Sheen in this regard.

A great way to ‘take Mary into our homes’ is to do a Consecration to Jesus through Mary. These start throughout the year, always 33 days prior to a Marian feastday. The next starting point will be October 19, ending on the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. See info about this topic.

Do you pray the Angelus?
…I have not investigated anything about Fulton Sheen in this regard.

A great way to ‘take Mary into our homes’ is to do a Consecration to Jesus through Mary. These start throughout the year, always 33 days prior to a Marian feastday. The next starting point will be October 19, ending on the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. See info about this topic.

Do you pray the Angelus?
As for the connection to Fulton Sheen, see the “Spirituality” forum – thread “Bishop Fulton J. Sheen” my posts #9, #10 and #13. I don’t understand my relationship (is Sheen my Patron Saint, Sponsor, Mentor or Benefactor), but before June 19th of this year I was an unhappy Baptist and I was not doing well at all spiritually. There is also something going on that I don’t understand with Mary.

I started the First Friday Night business in September (9 1st Fridays). But I haven’t heard anything about First Saturdays.

I agree that to do a Consecration would be great. I looked at the web site and many of the words in it are beyond my understanding. I think it is too early for me to make a vow (St. Louis de Montfort’s Way). And I am not able to do (St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Way) because I cannot go to confession or take communion.

However, I have gone to the 12:10 Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception four times (starting with August 26 this year). I also spent time there in Eucharistic Adoration. Eucharistic Adoration is absolutely fantastic anywhere you can find it.

I was very anxious the night before my first visit to the Basilica. See the “Miscellaneous” forum – thread “Reported New Fatima Miracle”, my posts #1 and especially #7, #8, #12, #13, #14. Since my first visit to the Basilica .

Something also happened on my August 26 visit to the Basilica. But I didn’t write of it because I didn’t want you all thinking I really am nuts. But I made a note of it that night and I quote in part from my note.

“Just before I went to the area where confession was [in the Crypt Church], as I was walking across (from the opposite side) I thought I saw a beautiful life-size painting of Mary in a stone wall. I thought, wow that is such a subtle painting. I wonder how the artist was able to inlay the pigments into the stone? As I walked nearer, it quickly faded away and disappeared.”

Whatever I saw or thought I saw only lasted for a few seconds. Again, I am convinced that if any miracles have happened in my life it is because I was greatly in need of spiritual help. In fact, part of my impression this morning was that there was a battle over my soul. But since I suppose this morning’s impressions were from Mary, I am not worried so much.
Yes, there is significance to both Our Mother and Our Lord to when His hour comes. This can be observed more clearly in the Latin and in the Douay-Rheims: “And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come.” John 2, 4 (*). I have not investigated anything about Fulton Sheen in this regard.

A great way to ‘take Mary into our homes’ is to do a Consecration to Jesus through Mary. These start throughout the year, always 33 days prior to a Marian feastday. The next starting point will be October 19, ending on the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. See info about this topic.

Do you pray the Angelus?
ignore PMC…he/she did this on 8 other threads just within the last couple of hours. Don’t waste your time …
pmc: Your comments remind me to tell others this.

In the 1980’s, I used to order Jack Chick’s “This Was Your Life” by the box (1,000 in a box).

I would go to public housing projects about once a week to tell others about Jesus. If somebody wanted Jesus 100% (or wanted Jesus more than anything else), I led people in the “sinners prayer”. And would tell them to go to Church (suggested Baptist Church). Often I would give them a New Testament. And I would also give them a copy of Campus Crusade for Christ’s “The Four Spiritual Laws”.

I was listed in the 1989 Edition of Who’s Who in American Christian Leadership.

By 1991, I was in a state of mortal sin and my part-time unpaid “ministry” stopped rather suddenly.

Proverbs 11:25 He who confers benefits will be amply enriched, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

By the way, Eucharistic Adoration is worshipping Jesus.

Thank you Fulton Sheen. Thank you Mary.

So pmc you have no choice. I really have lost my mind, or I have been the recipient of a few miracles from God.
God is love…

Mary is the Mother of Love; so great was her love of God …He chose her to be His Mother. He made Her without sin, to love.

‘Queen and Mother of love’ should be her new title.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree that to do a Consecration would be great. I looked at the web site and many of the words in it are beyond my understanding. I think it is too early for me to make a vow (St. Louis de Montfort’s Way). And I am not able to do (St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Way) because I cannot go to confession or take communion.
It’s okay, you can make a consecration some time in the future, if you feel called. (Try to buy True Devotion by St. Montfort.) I just wanted to mention it. 🙂
A few months ago, our Parish had a lovely statue of Mary donated, stands about 10 inches tall. Each week, a family is invited to “take Mary into your home”. The family takes home the statue and is encouraged to pray the Rosary together each day for a week. This week, one family invited 30 others over for Bible Study, Rosary and Pot Luck!

The waiting list is long, we are waiting our turn.

In many ways, I am fairly new to the Catholic faith. I am in RCIA.

In the dollar store, I found a “THE ROSARY WITH THE POPE / JOHN PAUL II” (published in 1994 to raise money for the holy year 2000). It was only a dollar so of course I bought it. I also went to the other dollar stores around here and bought all the Pope CDs I could find (9 in all). I had a priest bless them all. They are in Latin with the mysteries in English. So far, I gave out two of them and I have one for myself.

I like the 2nd CD the best because it is “the Glorious Mysteries” and it also has other prayers. Since they aren’t in English and because I’m in RCIA I do not have much what the other prayers are. Pope John Paul’s voice is strong with courage (ten years ago). And why not. The Berlin wall had fallen. Eastern Europe was free from communism and perhaps many were discovering the Christian faith of their ancestors. After the prayers is a bit of organ playing. I figured after awhile that this is where the Pope is praying silently and we can pray silently with him. We are supposed to pray always – I suppose that the Pope is in prayer nearly all the time. So I am convinced that the music part is where the Pope is praying silently.

Since most of the rosary on these CDs is “Our Father”, “Hail Mary” and “Glory Be” I can pray along in English. But just as much as anything (but not too often) , I like to start the music as I go to bed and let it play quietly while I sleep. I think I read somewhere if you start to pray the rosary and fall asleep – that angels will finish the prayer for you.

Anyway, I think the night of October 3 was one of the nights that I fell asleep after starting the rosary CD.

By the way, in the dollar store the POPE CD rang up as a “CANDY FILLED MUG”. Go figure. My best guess at what that meant: perhaps if I pray the rosary with the Pope on Halloween and go to Mary and say “Trick or Treat” that Mary would welcome me in to her house and give me some sweets. I did it. And I don’t think I was wrong.

Yesterday I read about Saint Therese of Lisieux (a doctor of the Church). She often fell asleep in prayer. “She consoled herself by saying that mothers loved children when they lie asleep in their arms so that God must love her when she slept during prayer.”

So go ahead and call me foolish and silly. Or if you aren’t getting very peaceful sleep (like most Americans), why not try playing a CD with the Pope praying the Rosary and fall asleep to that?

Some psychologists say that this is what influences us the most – the last thing at night before we fall asleep or the first thing in the morning as we get up. What do you want most in your life? The bad things in the 11 O’Clock news, David Letterman or Pope John Paul II peacefully praying the Rosary (his favorite prayer)? And would you like Mary to kiss you good night while you are asleep? Maybe she will and maybe sometimes she will whisper something to you as well.

That was a very inspirational post…thank you for that!

If you can find out or remember where you heard that angels finish our prayers if we fall alseep in the middle of them…please post it? It’s beautifull…and you know, I feel in my soul that this may be true.

I believe at the very least, if we fall asleep praying then God at least considers the prayers to be complete as that was our intention. And you’re right…I’d far rather fall asleep praying than in thinking about work or other stresses.

Incidentally…last week I went to sleep praying about the election. Just before I woke up, in the REM sleep just before my alarm went off I had a a dream about the outcome…and I woke up immediately after being told, “Don’t worry…Bush will win.”

I had a sense of peace all day…now I believe that it was my Guardian Angel conforting me in answer to the prayers I and so many of us said on Election day.

Welcome home, JMM08!
Dear jmm,

Thank you for the link. I thoroughly enjoyed the article by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Here are some of the highlights:

“Devotion to the Blessed Mother brought me to the discovery of a new dimension of the sacredness of suffering.”

“…the Blessed Mother not only gives sweets, but she also gives bitter medicine.”

“The horizontal apostolate may sometimes be just as effective as the vertical.”

If you are drawn to the True Devotion, you will consecrate. Be patient, because you need to be in full communion with the Church to do so. Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist are some of the conditions. In the meantime you may wish to consecrate yourself to her Immaculate Heart. There are several versions: ****

Mother Mary, so full of love for Your children, I come to consecrate myself to Your Immaculate Heart. I entrust to You my whole life, my mind and my will. Dispose of me according to Your plan for my salvation.

Impress in my heart a true love for Jesus, Your Son, and for You, my dear Mother. Keep me humble of heart by Your shining example.

Give me a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, a fervent love for the Church and the Holy Eucharist, and the fervor to spread the message of Jesus to everyone I meet.

Cover me with Your holy mantle to preserve me from every sin and to help me practice the Christian virtues especially the virtue of purity. Help me, dearest Mother, to do the will of the Father every day!

A Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

ost Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of men, to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of the Vicar of Your Son on earth, we consecrate ourselves and our families to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to You, all the people of our country and all the world.

Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother, and use us as You wish to accomplish Your designs in the world.

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and Queen of the World, rule over us, together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Our King. Save us from the spreading flood of modern paganism; kindle in our hearts and homes the love of purity, the practice of a virtuous life, an ardent zeal for souls, and a desire to pray the Rosary more faithfully.

We come with confidence to You, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love. Inflame us with the same Divine Fire which has inflamed Your own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Make our hearts and homes Your shrine, and through us, make the Heart of Jesus, together with your rule, triumph in every heart and home.


–Venerable Pope Pius XII
If you are drawn to the True Devotion, you will consecrate. Be patient, because you need to be in full communion with the Church to do so. Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist are some of the conditions. In the meantime you may wish to consecrate yourself to her Immaculate Heart. There are several versions:
If anyone is in RCIA like me, don’t wait. Perhaps it is like “BINGO” where you have a “FREE SPACE”. Maybe it isn’t that way. I sure don’t know. But I’ve been going to First Fridays and I’m three in a row right now (4 if a noontime Mass on Friday three months ago counts).

Bottom Line: Do what you can do. And leave the rest up to God and don’t worry about what you cannot do. If I get a “FREE SPACE” on things I cannot do, then it is great. If not, I’ll bet in God’s mercy He grants me at least partial graces.

A very good friend of mine (who wasn’t Catholic) said we must try. And God looks at our trying. Trying equals success.

Remember, St. Therese of Lisieaux was a permanent novice among the cloistered Carmelites. She couldn’t be a Priest. She couldn’t go on missions. But now she is not only a Saint but also a Doctor of the Church.

tru_dvotion: I don’t understand the consecrations you mention so I am not going to worry about it at this time. I need to focus on repentance and learning RCIA curriculum.

JCPhoenix: See catholic-church.org/tjtm/vocationssite/franzstory.htm
I took heart when someone told me that my guardian angel finishes all the rosaries I fall asleep praying!
jmm08 I don’t understand the consecrations you mention so I am not going to worry about it at this time. I need to focus on repentance and learning RCIA curriculum. [/QUOTE said:
That tells me you are not ready for the True Devotion. You cannot do it part way. It is not valid. You cannot be part baptized. It would not be valid. Sure you can fulfill some of the requirements of True Devotion, and this may be beneficial. But do not fool yourself thinking you have embarked on the True Devotion until you can fully embark on it.

The consecration I suggested is a daily offering to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If you cannot understand this one, how do you propose to understand the True Devotion? Not many want to or even able to follow it. Take it one step at a time my friend, we don’t feed steak to a baby, we start with milk. I truly wish and pray what is best for you. God bless.
tru_devotion: your message space was exceeded. So I’ll post some of what I would have sent to you.

Dedication may well be in my future. Or maybe not. I don’t know. I suppose completing RCIA topics should be first. So I’m trying not to get too distracted.

Some of what is going on lately:

a) I got a Miraculous Medal a few weeks ago. I got a chain and started wearing it perhaps only a week or two ago. And I think more about how Mary is able to give us grace.

b) I love to visit the National Shrine – Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. I live in Manassas. And lately if I have a job interview in the DC area, I go to the Shrine. They have a daily 12:10 mass in the Crypt Church. And usually at about 11:40 they start praying the rosary.

c) November 5 at the shrine, I left the Crypt Church just after the start of Eucharistic Adoration (following 12:10 mass). I ate my brown-bag lunch and visited the bookstore. Then I went to the upper church and sat in the Miraculous Medal chapel. Since most of the faithful were at Eucharistic Adoration in the Crypt Church (a Friday tradition at the Shrine), it was an almost lonely place upstairs. After sitting and reading for awhile, I noticed that the alter below the Miraculous Medal said “COME TO THE FOOT OF THE ALTER”. I didn’t know those were the words that Mary said to St. Catherine Laboure. Since I didn’t know any better, I took the invitation personally and it seemed to make sense at the time. The usual kneelers were all removed from the upper church (perhaps for church cleaning or perhaps for an event during the weekend). So I got on my knees right in front of the alter and prayed with my elbows on the alter and got a small gift of tears. And after a few moments somebody was winding a camera and took a flash picture. That happens. You can think you are fairly alone and be praying somewhere at the Shrine and somebody can come along and take your picture. So far, I have not let it disturb me in the least. And I do not grudge or hold ill will regarding the picture(s).

d) November 5 was St. Elizabeth’s feast day (mother of John the Baptist). So I read about her in Luke chapter 1. In the Hail Mary prayer, it is St. Elizabeth’s words – “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.” The next verse, Luke 1:43 is “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” I wonder the same question.

e) November 6: I watched the EWTN Global Showcase “Footprints of God: Mary Mother of God” at 8 PM. It explained so much more about Mary. And how she spent three months (perhaps her whole first trimester) with St. Elizabeth. The Lord knows how important it is for a mother to feel comfortable during the early stages of pregnancy. Jesus, Mary and Joseph must love St. Elizabeth so much for providing a peaceful setting for Mary during those days. And the knowledge of an older mother can be very helpful to a young mother.
Hi jmm,

I cleaned up my mailbox and I will send you a message. 🙂
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