**THE PARADOX: To get from point A to point B, you first have to go the first half, than the next half, ect to infinity because if you get to a point that has no half to it, then it has no length and is not part of the line. A million zeros is ZERO. You can’t say its potentially infinite, because all the halves are there, whether you are thinking about them are not. If you cross a bridge with 7 planks, the seven planks are still there and you cross over them even though they are together as one bridge. Suppose there is a smallest unit of space. Put two of them together, draw a line, thus creating a triangle. The Hypotenuse is greater than the unit, but divide the hypotenuse in half, and you have a unit smaller than the smallest unit! In this right triangle all the points on the side opposite the right angle can be drawn to all the points on either side, while this cannot be done when the two lines are put parallel. Or can they? The points on the hypotenuse must be bunched up in a way DIFFERNT than on the other sides, because if you add a segment to a segment, you are adding points. Again let’s recap: if we say that we get to the point, from A to B, where there is only one unit of space between you and the point towards which you are going to, then this intermediate space would have no magnitude, and you would be actually at the point. It doesn’t matter if motion is instantaneous because we are discussing how the line lays there in the first place. Arithmetic doesn’t help me with this, because it very different when it comes to space.
Now, if the diameter of a marble can be crossed, why cannot we reach the prime matter of half of the marble, for Aquinas says in his article on “whether there can be an infinite magnitude” that by division we approach prime matter. The trick is that it is three dimensional and it “full up” in a way that goes behind space.
Again, if something is infinitely divisible, it is infinitely large. Even though the parts get smaller and smaller, the infinity of parts remain.
Therefore there is only conclusion for me. Imagine space going infinitely in each direction from where you are sitting. THAT infinity is what everything posseses. There is no such thing as a “limit”, there are only greater infinities (in a way that is similar to spacial reality, all the odd numbers are not equal to all the odd plus even numbers).
What do you think? **
Now, if the diameter of a marble can be crossed, why cannot we reach the prime matter of half of the marble, for Aquinas says in his article on “whether there can be an infinite magnitude” that by division we approach prime matter. The trick is that it is three dimensional and it “full up” in a way that goes behind space.
Again, if something is infinitely divisible, it is infinitely large. Even though the parts get smaller and smaller, the infinity of parts remain.
Therefore there is only conclusion for me. Imagine space going infinitely in each direction from where you are sitting. THAT infinity is what everything posseses. There is no such thing as a “limit”, there are only greater infinities (in a way that is similar to spacial reality, all the odd numbers are not equal to all the odd plus even numbers).
What do you think? **