Taking action against abortion!

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I want to know how I can get involved. Abortion is absolutley the most horrible thing. It must be stopped! I don’t understand why there is so much controversy abortion is clearly taking the life of an innocent human being. taking the life of an innocent human being is wrong. why is abortion illegal? Please if anyone has any information or suggestions as to how I can help I am willing to do anything.

YIC Matt
Abortion is legal, not illegal, in most countries. This issue is very emmotive and I would advise caution despite your revulsion.

You don’t have a location posted, but here in the UK there is an excellent organisation- spuc.org.uk/
You could do this through your daily prayers. For instance:
  • Pray for the mothers of the unborn child to see clearly that the child is the creature of God.
    -Pray for them and their families and others to have love for this unborn child.
    -You can also pray for many others to have a good heart to adopt the child, etc.
    -Pray that people can control the temptation of flesh.
God bless!
I want to know how I can get involved. Abortion is absolutley the most horrible thing. It must be stopped! I don’t understand why there is so much controversy abortion is clearly taking the life of an innocent human being. taking the life of an innocent human being is wrong. why is abortion illegal? Please if anyone has any information or suggestions as to how I can help I am willing to do anything.

YIC Matt
There are centers that help a pregnant woman/girl who wants to keep her baby or put it up for adoption. You might see if you can do volunteer work in one of them. Our parish has helped open such a place by painting, donating desk, lockable file cabinets, etc.
I want to know how I can get involved. Abortion is absolutley the most horrible thing. It must be stopped! I don’t understand why there is so much controversy abortion is clearly taking the life of an innocent human being. taking the life of an innocent human being is wrong. why is abortion illegal? Please if anyone has any information or suggestions as to how I can help I am willing to do anything.

YIC Matt
Priests for Life
Pray!!! That’s #1 and key to anything else you do.

Check with your parish/diocese to see what is out there. I know our parish organizes praying in front of abortion clinics, which I used to do when I was younger. Such a witness and it was legal and non-violent (we just stood across the street praying the rosary). Also, Birthright is an awesome organization for helping women who are pregnant. I volunteered there as well and it’s a nation-wide organization, if not international (I think it’s in Canada too).

If you can do nothing else, donate $ as well. I wish I had more time to volunteer, but I don’t, so we donate money while I’m working. Also, the most obvious, if anyone asks a question regarding this, always be ready for a great pro-life response. 🙂
this stuff is all good. I am wondering what must be done to over turn roe verse wade. you can stand in front of abortion mills and pray very important but the law must be changed. just like the civil rights movement just like womans suffrage just like slavery. The stakes are higher. Since 1973 almost 50 million abortions have been legally performed in the US. Furthermore they are not even adhering to the ruling of roe verse wade which stated that abortions were almost unconditionally unacceptable in the first trimester, under special circumstances(womans health[should have been bodily health as this does not differentiate between body and mental health]) in the second and only in case of an emergency(womans health) in the third. at the same time roe v wade defined abortion to be a fundamental right thatnecesarily follows from the right to privacy? I would like someone to show mehow the right to perform an abortion follows necesarily fromt he right to privacy. is our right to privacy total and unconditional? what happens when this fundamnetal right impedes upon the “inaliable rights” of another? planned parenthood verse casey solidified the time honored definition of life as beginning at conception.I have examined the issue from an ethical and legal perspective, not even get into the religious implication and believe the arguments to rest overwhelmingly in our favor. What can I do from this perspective?

this is a catastrophic joke. why can’t any person see this? The amount of inconsistency is unbelievable. You would think our country is being run by a bunch of peabrains! In the recent ruling on partia birth abortion it was being debated whether the abortion takes palce inside the womb or outside because if it was inside it was abortion if it was outside it was murder! Oh my dear God! Do these people not think? Why should it be illegal if it happens outside but not inside?!?! It is the same child?!?!

If a thief injures a pregnant woman during the course of a robbery and the baby is lost the thief is charged with murder. If a doctor performs an abortion on a child of the same maturity it is perfectly legal and aceptable in the eyes of society and government?!

I do not want to just pray but i will absolutley do that. I dont want to just protest. something more must be done.
Changing the law is certainly a worthy goal, but even more effective is to change people’s hearts. Then, even if abortion is legal, it won’t be utililzed because they won’t believe in it.

Why do people have abortions? Because they don’t believe they are killing anything. Educate, educate, educate. Life begins at conception, and even if some people believe that life begins later than that, at least show that it cetainly has begun by the time an abortion is performed.

Also, why not tackle the problem at it’s source…sex. Teach abstinence. Teach kids, especially girls, that sex is worth waiting for. Teach self-esteem. They don’t need to please a boy to have self-worth. Girls, and boys too, need to get involved in activities they enjoy and can excel at so that 1) they are kept busy (idle hands are the devil’s workshop) with no time for hanky-panky 2) they develop goals that make them absolutely NOT want to get pregnant.
Changing the law is certainly a worthy goal, but even more effective is to change people’s hearts. Then, even if abortion is legal, it won’t be utililzed because they won’t believe in it.

Why do people have abortions? Because they don’t believe they are killing anything. Educate, educate, educate. Life begins at conception, and even if some people believe that life begins later than that, at least show that it cetainly has begun by the time an abortion is performed.

Also, why not tackle the problem at it’s source…sex. Teach abstinence. Teach kids, especially girls, that sex is worth waiting for. Teach self-esteem. They don’t need to please a boy to have self-worth. Girls, and boys too, need to get involved in activities they enjoy and can excel at so that 1) they are kept busy (idle hands are the devil’s workshop) with no time for hanky-panky 2) they develop goals that make them absolutely NOT want to get pregnant.
I agree with jpjd! Teach the young ones! Pro-abortionist are a self defeating group. They are killing the children they would teach to support their views.
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