Interesting guy. They like to say that he stopped the Mongol invasion that Kublai Khan sent, more like the Mongols figured out what China and everyone else did that Japan just lacked the natural resources lands farther to the West had and invasion was just not cost effective. Don’t dare mention that to a devout Nichiren Buddhist, you’ll have a never ending argument.
To be fair I ended up going more the Zen route mostly because its very difficult to find a Nichiren based organization here in the states that’s not tied to some corrupt political body in Japan.
You know, people like to rip on Christians and pointing out people like the evangelicals who sell “love gifts” and my personal favorite, the Bling Bishop in Germany who Pope Francis just fired which was also another reason why I opted for Mother Church. When someone has the guts to not only do whats right but does it himself that’s just awesome. Wonder if he just pointed at the Bling Bishop and said your fired then walked out. Anyway, something most people here stateside never mention nor know because its never brought up, the Buddhist especially in Asia are just as corrupt. Even the Nichiren Buddhist are bad, in Japan there are Nichiren based political bodies that are so terrifying they put some of the extreme political bodies here to shame. Still, no one has done it for me like Pope Francis did. I just wished he would have kept the Harley, would have been neat to see him riding that thing to and from the Vatican. Maybe see him reving the engine at a stop light?