This is a rant-I admit it. Even though I try really hard to be polite to everyone on the boards, I think that I will loose it if I hear one more Fundamentalist quote a verse out of context.:tsktsk: I am coming from a Protestant background and was strongly encouraged to read the bible and memorize verses. Now there is nothing wrong with memorizing verses and all Christians should immerse themselves in the bible. Lately, though I am becoming more and more aware of a troubling practice among these same Protestants that I once belonged. By taken verses completly out of context and not including the surronding text Protestants misrepresent and misunderstand what the bible says. Take the verse on ‘call no man father’. Reading the surronding verses quickly tells the reader that Jesus is talking to hyprocritical Pharisees’. A lot of Fundamentalist call themselves ‘bible believing Christians’ and are very proud of the title. Yet they seem to actually understand very little of what the bible actually says. It is as though-I suppose that I did this once-they jump over anything in the bible that doesn’t match their beliefs! I am sorry to go on a rant but this is really begining to irritate me!