Taking Your Saint's Name

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For those who have recieved Confirmation and chose a Patron Saint, have you adopted their name as your second middle name like they used to do in the past? My saint is St. Rose of Lima, and I tend to write my name Brittany Rose Noelle (noelle is my middle name by birth)…is this a tradition that is still accepted?

In Him,
Last week, at our youth group, we used for our “ice breaker” since many of our teens just made their Confirmation…tell us your Confirmation name and why you selected it. While many of the teens do not formally use their name, they proudly explained their choice and several of them use their name regularly. It is a practice you can choose to use if you desire.

PS…Great name…St.Rose
Dear friend

You may not use your confirmation name in any legal documents or for signing cheques etc unless you change your name to include your confirmation name by Deed Poll.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Rose is my confirmation name as well, my birthday is August 23.

I thought the form was Brittany Noelle Rose?
I took a double name, and I don’t use my confirmation name with my name commonly, although I sign all my posts with all five initials.

I took Patricia, after my sponsor, my favorite aunt. I have used it as a middle name ever since.
I was recently confirmed and decide to use my Confirmation names of Michael-Paschal in with my Baptismal names.

Saint Michael The Archangel and Saint Paschal Baylon Pray for us :gopray:
Rose is my confirmation name as well, my birthday is August 23.

I thought the form was Brittany Noelle Rose?
Yes, that brings me to another question! If if you do use your saint name, where do you put it?
Thank you for posting this question as I really have not given my saint the attention that I should. I haven’t used my saint’s name - St. Anne (the mother of Mary) because my real middle name is not a first name but my mom’s maiden name. I always thought it didn’t sound right. I chose this saint because Anne is also the name of my sponsor/godmother. Come to think of it, my son was born 3 years ago this year on July 26th which is St. Anne’s feast day. I wish I had an answer for where you put your saint’s name. I’m not sure. I just wanted to thank you for reminding me to be mindful of my saint!
I occationally give recognition to my saints name, but since I already have a really long last name, I don’t use it all the time.

I put it after my baptismal middle name.

Love your choice of saints! Go St. Rose!

CA Rose
I was just confirmed, and like springbreeze said, I won’t use my confirmation name on legal documents and stuff like that. But on everything else, I’m going to write Katherine Marie Therese (and my last name)!
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