Did anyone else deal with a spouse who doesn’t want more kids? How did you discuss going from BC to NFP?
Just for the record a vasectomy is like a tubal its not 100 % either the tubes can grow back together, or the sperm find alternate routes just a FYI…I’m having the same discussion with my husband as well. I need some information for him about NFP and why BC is not a good option. He feels that a vasectomy is the only way to ensure that we have absolutely no more kids. I am trying to tell him that NFP is just as effective as the Pill, but he is not buying it. And, yes, he is Catholic, but not very strong. He tried to tell me that this discussion does not involve anyone other than the two of us. Gee, I guess God doesn’t count?!?
So, could you give me some links? I really appreciate it.
I know many women whom have become pregnant on the pill esspecially if they take an antibiotic while on it something about the antibiotic effects the pill and kind of makes it a fertility pill.I had a friend get pregnant on the pill. That opened the door to the discussion with proof against BC that he couldn’t deny. In order to convince him you really need to become informed about NFP. It makes a lot of sense and once learned is easy to understand. I recommend the course book you get when you take NFP. Good luck!
But I doubt we’ll get an angel visiting usno method in the world is 100% we cant even legitimatly say abstinence is 100% if we believe scripture
I know that vasectomy and tubal are not 100%. I know a couple who have 4 kids. The first two were planned, the third was born after that vasectomy, the fourth after the tubal. I know that if God wants more kids, we will get them anyway. I say this to my husband all the time. He still does not want them, period. We have no impediments to having more kids, we are financially stable and there are no health issues. The only thing is that I am in my late 30’s, he’s in his late 40’s. And that is what he keeps bringing up. I told him that I am starting NFP soon, I am sick of feeling guilty of BC.Just for the record a vasectomy is like a tubal its not 100 % either the tubes can grow back together, or the sperm find alternate routes just a FYI…
Basically if God want you to have more kids you gonna have them even if your abstinent…
just depends on how bad he wants you to have them
and I am sure God counts with him he prolly just dont want (name removed by moderator)ut from other people, which i can understand myself
The fact that you feel objectified by condom use should be enough for a loving, considerate husband to consider NFP. He should not be punishing you for anything his ex-wife did. You are two separate people.And I hate the d*%m condoms! They make me feel illicit and dirty. And I just hate them. NFP would be so much better, but I think that he’ll think I’m trying to “trick” him. I believe his first wife may have done that and I am paying for her misdeeds (or whatever you’d call it).overshare
Was your friend on Ortho-Tri-Cyclen-lo? I read a lot of people got pregnant on that pill and it had to be reformulated. I was on it for a week, then stopped in mid pack a few years ago.I had a friend get pregnant on the pill.\
Yes, it does! I would like to thank everyone who answered my pleas for links about NFP. I showed my husband the article about the study on the effectiveness of NFP and it changed his mind! I would also like to thank the Holy Spirit for answering my prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you very, very much.I’ve read lots of posts by women who had similar situations and prayer worked wonders - more than words.