Talking with 1 Saint

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You can sit down and talk to 1 Saint/Blessed for a few hours. Who do you pick and why?
Oh My Goodness, so many saints! (And so little time) 🙂
The first I would choose would be Mary of Magdala. She loved Jesus so very, very much and I would so enjoy spending time with someone so desperately in love with our Savior.
St. John Bosco or St. Thomas the Apostle. St John because he dedicated his life to bringing lost souls to God. St. Thomas because he doubted but overcame his doubts. I think they both could teach me much.
I’d love to meet so many , but probably Padre Pio so that i could talk of confession and personal sin with him and get direction.
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Only one? That’s a tough choice. I think I would want to talk to Our Blessed Mother. I think she would be the most reassuring and comforting one to talk to. And I could ask her if people I knew were in Heaven.

If Mary doesn’t count then I’d request St. Joseph. He seems to be the most helpful and reassuring after Mary, but people seem to forget him. Last year I did this Pro-life Rosary at a church and at the end they did a little impromptu litany of saints including the patron saint of the church we were in, Mary, and a bunch of other saints and apostles, and totally forgot St. Joseph. They asked for suggestions from the group so I of course said him right away. I’d like to know how he coped with everything.
Does Our Lady count? Because it’s her hands down. If not St Therese.
St Thomas Aquinas. It would be easy to fill the hours and in no way we would have run out of subjects to discuss. We would more likely need weeks or years. I am sure my brains would be fried a lot earlier than his. 🤣
St. Faustina. Her intercession has brought me comfort many times over the last year.
St Joseph! my spiritual father, the just and the chaste! 🙏 for us
I would live to sit down and discuss life, the universe and everything with Edith Stein or Gianna Molla.
St. John Paul II. He was the first and last pope I really liked. Such a warm, intelligent, holy man, but who seemed so down to earth and approachable. I used to tell my family that if I had ever gotten the chance to meet him, I would have skipped the ring kissing and just thrown myself at him for a hug. 😊
St. Maximilian Kolbe or St. Padre Pio. Depends on what I am seeking at that moment.
Paul of Tarsus because of his conversion, wealth of knowledge, learned Jewish background, and ability to take people as they are.
Padre Pio too! So easy to make examination of conscience as he could always read peoples hearts for deep down sins the Holy Spirit hadn’t stirred up to the surface yet.
Our Lady would be my first choice. If she does not count, probably St Faustina or St Pope John Paul II.
I picked him because his name is Maximillian, and he’s got such an intense, fiery look. I think he’s ready for lively dialogue. 🤔 Such a bold, intelligent, and devout disciple of Our Lady and her Son. I’m sure he would have some good advice and encouragement for me, which I’m always in need of.
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These days? St. Vincent de Paul. I’d love to hear one of his conferences on charity in person. He was also excellent at spiritual direction. I’d love to have his sage advice on a number of things.
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