May not be the correct area to post, but…
Who else out there has a problem with people who take these things to excess, and then vehemently b*tch about “not being accepted for who I am” publicly?
I know several people who have a few tattoos. Quite honestly they are truly artworks… they are beautiful.
I also know several woman (non-culturally) who wear a nose-stud, or men (myself included) that wear/worn earrings.
What sparked this post is recently I was flying back from Houston. I was seated next to a young man who was:
Totally GREEN - from the top of his shaved head, to as far down his collar as I could see - tattoo’d… face, eyelids, ears, EVERYTHING! There was a black “gridwork” pattern on his head.
He wore earrings that I could only equate to empty sewing thread spools… about 3/4" in diameter.
His eyebrows were shaved, but in place of hair… over each eye were what I’d call 6 marbles… implanted under the skin!.. just 6 distinct lumps under the skin.
I could hardly understand him when he spoke, because the stud through his tongue was nearly as large as the things through his ears!
The guy looked like a human lizard.
While we were taxiing out to the runway I had to suffer through his complaints about being “singled out by security, just because how I look”… “I hate being hassled by the man”… etc.
I just sat there thinking “I should write a reality show”.
Who else out there has a problem with people who take these things to excess, and then vehemently b*tch about “not being accepted for who I am” publicly?
I know several people who have a few tattoos. Quite honestly they are truly artworks… they are beautiful.
I also know several woman (non-culturally) who wear a nose-stud, or men (myself included) that wear/worn earrings.
What sparked this post is recently I was flying back from Houston. I was seated next to a young man who was:
Totally GREEN - from the top of his shaved head, to as far down his collar as I could see - tattoo’d… face, eyelids, ears, EVERYTHING! There was a black “gridwork” pattern on his head.
He wore earrings that I could only equate to empty sewing thread spools… about 3/4" in diameter.
His eyebrows were shaved, but in place of hair… over each eye were what I’d call 6 marbles… implanted under the skin!.. just 6 distinct lumps under the skin.
I could hardly understand him when he spoke, because the stud through his tongue was nearly as large as the things through his ears!
The guy looked like a human lizard.
While we were taxiing out to the runway I had to suffer through his complaints about being “singled out by security, just because how I look”… “I hate being hassled by the man”… etc.
I just sat there thinking “I should write a reality show”.