Sin or No ? Desecration of the body? What if its a cross? opinions?
The Church does indeed have something to say about mutilation. Here’s what the Catechism says (CCC 2296-2297):
It is morally inadmissible directly to bring about the disabling mutilation or death of a human being, even in order to delay the death of other persons.
Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law.
Mutilation, as understood by the Catechism and moral theology in general, involves more than simply making a change in one’s body. Otherwise having an ear pierced or even getting a manicure or a haircut would count as mutilation. Instead, mutilation must involve some kind of impairment of function in the body (like cutting off a hand out taking out an organ). The degree of impairment then tells us the gravity of the mutilation.
Since tattoos do not involve an impairment of body function, they do not count as mutilation. You are correct about that.
You are also correct about some of the other body . . . uh . . . “modifications” that are being done today would seem to count as mutilation. I don’t know that much about tongue and cheek piercing. I’d have to do research about whether they involve long-term risk of infection. But tongue splitting would seem to be a prime example. Not only does it impair the tongue’s role in eating and talking, it also would seem to make an immoral statement of some kind due to its snake-like connotations. It also has an even higher risk associated with it due to the fact that the tongue has significant blood vessels in it and a split requires a longer time to heal, with risk of infection and bleeding. As a result, many doctors are opposed to the practice.
exovedate.com/the_real_gladiator_one.htmlSin or No ? Desecration of the body? What if its a cross? opinions?
I agree with you about the location. Mine’s around my ankle. I used to be a surfer, after all. And I never regretted it or thought it gross, although you ought to ask my mother what she thinks!Although I don’t think tattoos are a sin as such, I personally think they are gross but that’s my opinion. But when a person puts a tattoo in a “private spot” I believe is a sin. Because you must expose yourself and after its done I have seen one to many especially young girls wearing clothing in such a way the tattoo is visable.:bigyikes:
Hi Karen,Personally, I think tattoos are gross whether on a man or a woman. They are a turn-off to me. However, I wouldn’t think it is a sin to get one unless someone goes overboard and starts tattooing their entire body.
I was told regarding tattoos while I was in the military: 1. never get a girl’s name; 2. never get a cartoon; and 3. never get it where it shows.I think tattoos are a great way to express yourself…however it should be done tastefully. Nothing lewd or anything like that. I have a few tattoos and I don’t regret them whatsoever. Each one has a special meaning to me. I also don’t agree with tattoos of someones name…it’s just stupid, especially after you break up with the person but are still stuck with “Betty” written across your chest…all tattoos must be done with common sense.
Thanks for the information. For the record, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with bringing up a topic that’s been discussed before. I’m sure most topics have, at some time or another. As long as the person asking seems genuinely interested in the answer and not just trying to push people’s hot buttons, I don’t see a problem with asking. Sometimes we all want to talk to a live person.This issue has been gone over many times all over these forums… do a search and you will come up with plenty of opinions about tattoos . If you want the facts regarding tattooing and the Catholic faith, I suggest you pop on over to the ask an apologist forum and search there.
The Church’s position is that tattoos and piercings are morally neutral… the two criteria for deciding if it is right for you (according to the AAA forum) are:
- can you afford it? In other words, will it use money that should be spent on family, charity, or other responsibilities?
As long as you are not getting a piercing or tattoo that would offend God (a tattoo stating that the devil is king for example, lol) or in a “private” place then you are free to get a tattoo or piercing.
- is it medically safe? In other words, are you absolutely certain that the tattoo or piercing is being done with very little risk of infection or other complication?
Oops! Sorry, didn’t mean it to sound that way. I just wanted to point out that if they want to do a search of the forums that they will find tons of info on this topic…and to search the AAA forum for accurate Church views on the issue.For the record, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with bringing up a topic that’s been discussed before. I’m sure most topics have, at some time or another.