This has bothered me for awhile now, in biblical times, it seems everyone hated the tax collectors, people spit on them, cursed them, did other mean things to them all the time, no one had any respect for these people, but in our times, Ive never heard anyone speak in a negative way about people who collect taxes, in fact, many times, they are considered ‘professionals’!!! Hard to believe, but seems to be the case in our times.
Is this is just another ‘sign of the times’ and/or turning away from the bible, or…?
I also realize tax collectors back in biblical times were corrupt and greedy, but nothing has changed, Im sure all these people today are the same as back then, greed has definitely not changed in that regard, so this would not be an explanation.
Is this is just another ‘sign of the times’ and/or turning away from the bible, or…?
I also realize tax collectors back in biblical times were corrupt and greedy, but nothing has changed, Im sure all these people today are the same as back then, greed has definitely not changed in that regard, so this would not be an explanation.