Teacher is disrespectful of religion

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My teacher keeps saying things like ‘Jesus’ and ‘Mother of God’ but in anger and frustration (he’s not religious). I understand that most people say ‘Oh my God’ etc. and it’s one of those things that I guess I have to just ignore, but I don’t think it’s right to be using His or Our Lady’s name in vain especially in anger and so many times. I know people do do it, but as a teacher in such a multicultural society, and in front of children I think it’s completely wrong. Next time he says it in front of me I will defo say something as it really bugs me, but should I say something to a teacher in a higher position or just leave it? I mean it wouldn’t hurt to not be disrespectful of something you don’t believe in…
Any advice?
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Can you mention this to the principal and say you are uncomfortable with the teacher disrespecting your religion? Is that likely to have any effect? In some countries, teachers are not permitted to be openly disrespectful of any religious belief in this way.

If you can’t stop it, then one way to respond is every time the teacher takes the name of Jesus or Mary in vain, immediately say “Have mercy on us” (for Jesus) or “Pray for us” (for Mary) and turn it into a prayer. My mother and her family used to do this around secular people who did what your teacher does.
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You are courageous to be willing to speak up to your teacher.

Have you spoken to your parents, who might perhaps speak to other parents who would object to such behavior? Already too many people in the world speak with profanities, without normalising it further to children. Something does need to be said. Your answering him could be taken as arrogance, so if you did risk speaking up, it would need to be in a quite, considered adult way. Even still, that’s worrying, because the teacher already has an unreasonable behavioe ethic if he considers swraring in front of schoolchildren is acceptable.

If at all possible find others who agree before going to authority, or better, involve parents, or is there a trusted teacher from another class who might support you?

On a private level, maybe say a quiet prayer for him sometimes. Maybe nobody els ever prayed for him.
and maybe a quick word of apology to the Lord and our Mother on the teacher’s behalf.

God bless you in all regards, always.
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Thanks for your reply. I get on with him as he’s taught me for 4 years and I know he wouldn’t do anything. Also I am quite close with lots of teacher higher up in the school (some who even told me they don’t like him!) so I know they would listen to me if he did try and make a fuss or whatever.
I only have a month left before I leave this school but I think he should still know that he could be offending people in his other classes.
Not in a bad way, but I actually really hope he says it in front of me when I next speak to him so I can make my point!!!
Sometimes just to write the options is all one needs to answer one’s own questions.
It sounds as if you are able to handle the situation very well with your own judgement and actions.

All the best in your final year at school, and in all that follows.
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I think you could tell the principal you are uncomfortable. I would turn it into a prayer, when I or someone else says Oh My God, I say Amen. I can understand why you would be uncomfortable, people shouldn’t use Our Lady’s our Jesus’ name in vain and it always irritates me when it happens.
maybe a quick word of apology to the Lord and our Mother on the teacher’s behalf
Agreed with @Trishie

I’m currently in your position sometimes speaking up and asking them not to say that could do, but to avoid conflict and it’s a bit embarrassing for the teacher to be confronted, ask God to forgive them for they not know what they do as our Lord said upon the cross.

May God be with you in your last year of school !
God Bless
Good for you to have the courage to speak up about it to him!

It’s sad how much we hear it in day-to-day life (or at least I do)- whenever someone uses the Lord’s name in vain I’ve taken to adding in my head “Blessed be your Name.” I think it’s great that you’re so aware of this at a young age!
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