Teaching Boys Confirmation Class

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Our DRE has had a difficult time finding male teachers to assume the task of teaching our boys confirmation class. As soon as I heard this, I volunteered. I taught RCIA last year, am a Legionairre with door-to-door mission hours, etc. My background is solid (I feel), but mostly aimed at catechesis of my children (ages 4 and 6).

Would love suggestions to material to supplement the materials I will get from the DRE. I feel finding where the parents are in this process is key… Or at least getting some sort of involvement. I’d like to, of course, put this is terms both boys and 8th graders can handle.

Any suggestions??

Jack Haefner
Diocese of Arlington, VA
Do you know what material you will be receiving from the parish? This would be helpful in recommending supplementals.
Well, in terms of material, I can’t really suggest anything.

But let them ask a ton of questions, this is really important. You need to clear up a lot of misconceptions they have. Also, it would be good for them to feel like they are being listened, too.

Apologetics - BIBLICAL apologetics.

From my experience, 99% of these kids will never again take a class or study at the Parish. They DO feel that Confirmation is graduation, their parents feel this way too.

These kids will enter high school and college and yours may will be the final cathecetical study they have. They will know the prayers and patron Saints, to name the gifts of the Spirit - but will not be able to answer the question when that cute Baptist girl they are dating asks “are you SAVED”? Not only will they not be able to locate Acts 2:24 - they will not even know the book of Hebrews is in the Bible. And don’t even begin to ask them if they worship the Saints and Mary or what infallibility of the Pope means.

The Beginning Apologetics series - Catholic Answers carries it. Also, make sure they each have a copy of the Compendium and know how to use it.
But our faith is worth so much more than just apologetics and bible. 😦

Apologetics is important but there’s no point getting them to defend something - when they have no idea of the value of what they defending.

If you are getting a textbook from the DRE for the 8th grade, that will be your basis of what to cover for the year. Your own supplements should be for the purpose of helping you teach, explain, demonstrate, and discuss those textbook topics deeper, broader, and better than the textbook.

Be aware though, that it is extremely unlikely that you will be able to progress completely through the book from front cover to back cover. There is simply not enough class time. So be discriminating in choosing which chapters to cover and which to skim or skip.

Ask your DRE or the other catechists what resources they use for supplements.

As far as parents, good luck getting parental involvement. Most parents, at least in our parish, are only too happy to drop their kids off and let the teacher do the teaching for the next hour and a half. They don’t have the time, inclination, or (they feel) the knowledge to lead or help in a classroom.
No suggestions, but I think it’s great that your parish separates males and females. The things that guys may want to ask questions about or focus on will be different than what the girls zero in on.

Obviously, they need the same content - their faith - but it’s great to have gender appropriate perspectives. —KCT
But our faith is worth so much more than just apologetics and bible. 😦

Apologetics is important but there’s no point getting them to defend something - when they have no idea of the value of what they defending.

Yes - agreed. I just work with teens, every week, who went to 9 years of Catholic School and through a very orthodox Confirmation program - and they cannot answer SIMPLE questions from non Catholics. As a convert, I cannot imagine sending a young adult out into the world unarmed to defend what they believe and why.
Teach them the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the Church Doctrine.Read the Bible with them and teach them about saints, too.Most importantly, make sure they wantto make thier Confirmation and understand how serious and important it is,and make sure they love Jesus and want to serve him with all their hearts.
Thanks to all who have replied!!! We are using Ignatious Press “Faith and Life” series supplemented with some other materials.

For those who suggested teaching some of the basic prayers in Latin, I’ll talk to our pastor to see what he plans on integrating. We lost our pastor a few months ago who insisted we said the Pater Noster during Lent and Advent–this would be necessary reinforcement and context if I were to teach this.

My background is 16+ years in the Army (and still going strong), RCIA, Knights, etc, so I hope to put things in terms that will make sense.

Thanks to all,

Jack Haefner
Make sure they know that Confirmation in the Catholic Church is a Sacrament and much more than a ritual showing their decision to remain Catholics. The Holy Spirit strengthens the Isiah Gifts received in Baptism and prepares one to assume an adult role in the Church.
Thanks to all who have replied!!! We are using Ignatious Press “Faith and Life” series supplemented with some other materials.

For those who suggested teaching some of the basic prayers in Latin, I’ll talk to our pastor to see what he plans on integrating. We lost our pastor a few months ago who insisted we said the Pater Noster during Lent and Advent–this would be necessary reinforcement and context if I were to teach this.

My background is 16+ years in the Army (and still going strong), RCIA, Knights, etc, so I hope to put things in terms that will make sense.

Thanks to all,

Jack Haefner
Faith and Life is one of the best series out there for teaching the faith. It only goes to 8th grade and, in my opinion, does not go into Confirmation as deeply as it does the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Pennance. That’s probably because so many diocese are delaying Confirmation until High School these days.

Find out if your diocese has a “service” requirement for Confirmation. Although I hate this (it smacks of “earning” the right to a Sacrament), it is a reality in our diocese. You can improve the value by tying the service hours into the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and organizing group service efforts.

Also, if your parish has a lot of Confirmation kids who haven’t been in Religious Ed since they made their first Communion 😦 , get ahold of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Faith and Life books for some simpler presentations of the basics that you can use to supplement the 8th grade material.
When it comes time for preparing them for the actual Sacrament of Confirmation, children need to understand first and foremost that this is not a Catholic version of the Protestant Altar Call. It is not where “we make a decision for ourselves to be a Catholic.” All too often, this sacrament is misrepresented to its recipients in an almost Pelagianistic fashion. Confirmation is primarily the act of the Holy Spirit working in us and sealing us with the strength we need to do spiritual battle as we are becoming more and more susceptible to personal sin (teenage years). It is not our efforts to embrace out Catholic faith, but rather, God’s effort to seal us with that Faith.
I’m a little confused. Please help me out.

I understand that Confirmation is a Sacrament in which the prescence of the Holy Spirit that was given at Baptism is strengthened and comes to fullness.

I also understand that one is expected to know and understand the teachings of the Church before undergoing the sacrament.

But is reception of the Sacrament conditional? Does one have to study and prove a certain amount of knowledge and understanding before receiving it?

If many of the kids seeking Confirmation have not been attending class since receiving their first Holy Communion…it is OK for them to go on and get confirmed anyway, sort of as a matter of course?

When I was being instructed before receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, we were told that it was important NOT to receive without proper understanding and being certain that we were ready to die in defense of the faith. However, we were never given the option to refuse the sacrament. If you are a teacher, is there a way for the young people to refuse the sacrament if they do not feel ready for it? Some programs might overlook that. Some young people are coerced by their families, or don’t know how to “get off the train”, but are not truly prepared or inclined to receive Confirmation.
My confirmation classes used “This is our Faith.” and I read “Catholicism for Dummies” on my own. Well, not “read,” but I did buy it and go through it, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, “Catholicism for Dummies” is a good book. Run as fast as you can away from the “Idiots” version.
You could check out this site conquestclubs.com/

They are an orthodox boys clubs not specifically geared toward confirmation class but maybe they will have some useful materials.
I If you are a teacher, is there a way for the young people to refuse the sacrament if they do not feel ready for it? Some programs might overlook that. Some young people are coerced by their families, or don’t know how to “get off the train”, but are not truly prepared or inclined to receive Confirmation.
Unless the notion that this is an adult commitment to the Church is being taught there should be no reason to not want to be confirmed. As several posters above mentioned it is not the confirmandee, but the Holy Spirit who is doing all the work and bringing graces for proper living as a Christian, a Catholic Christian. It is the non-Catholic confirmations which are non-sacramental commitments to belong to their church and practice its faith…
I’m a little confused. Please help me out.

I .

But is reception of the Sacrament conditional? Does one have to study and prove a certain amount of knowledge and understanding before receiving it?

If you are a teacher, is there a way for the young people to refuse the sacrament if they do not feel ready for it? .
first welcome to OP and God bless you for responding to the call of the Holy Spirit. After a long 6 year slog this year our HS and confirmation program is blest with I believe the finest team of catechists in the diocese, 5 men and 4 women, plus several HS seniors and college students who come back to lead small groups, faith sharing, prayer groups etc.

it is not the role of the catechist to evaluate the candidate’s readiness for confirmation, it is the role of the Pastor and only can say in the last analysis who will and will not receive. However the catechist is in a position to pick up on which teens are ambivalent, have doubts, or have other issues, and refer them to the pastor for a conference.

here an interview with candidate, sponsor, parent, catechist, and pastor or confirmation coordinator is required, to evaluate their commitment and readiness, and give them the chance to formally ask for, or reject, the bishop’s call to the sacrament. It is the bishop who confirms the candidate’s baptism and who calls them for the sacrament, not the candidate who confirms their parent’s choice.

it is the role of the catechist to evaluate how well the candidate has assimilated the content he is expected to teach. but no it is NOT conditional that they pass a test, have so many service hours, attend so many retreats etc. these are all opportunities to grow in the faith, but a candidate who meets the minimum requirements must be admitted to the sacrament: understands the elements of the Creed enough to make a profession of faith (not to write a doctoral dissertation on theology), accepts the Christ-given authority of the Church to teach that doctrine, understands and desires the effects of the sacrament, is in a state of grace, and requests the sacrament.

any candidate in your class who is in your opinion doubtful, suggest a conference with the parents, sponsors, and pastor. Not the catechist’s call.
When it comes time for preparing them for the actual Sacrament of Confirmation, children need to understand first and foremost that this is not a Catholic version of the Protestant Altar Call. It is not where “we make a decision for ourselves to be a Catholic.” All too often, this sacrament is misrepresented to its recipients in an almost Pelagianistic fashion. Confirmation is primarily the act of the Holy Spirit working in us and sealing us with the strength we need to do spiritual battle as we are becoming more and more susceptible to personal sin (teenage years). It is not our efforts to embrace out Catholic faith, but rather, God’s effort to seal us with that Faith.
I disagree.

Confirmation, when received as an adult, is their choice to be Catholic.

The Sacrament confers the gifts of the Holy Spirit on the person, but the person must freely make the choice to accept the sacrament, and the commitment to live a Christian life.

Because many Catholics are Baptised as an infant, but not Confirmed, they must make the choice for themselves, if they want to receive the sacrament or not. You can not force an adult to receive the sacraments, if they have no desire.

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