Teaching Euthanasia at Catholic universities

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**Teaching Euthanasia
****By Patrick J. Reilly **

The intense battle to prevent Terri Schiavo’s husband from removing her feeding tube was horrible enough. To think that some American Catholic universities—and their ethics, theology, law, and medical professors—bear some responsibility for Schiavo’s slow death is almost too much to imagine.

Yet prior to Schiavo’s death, professors from top Catholic universities helped convince the courts and the public that removing her feeding tube was acceptable and consistent with Catholic teaching—even while the Vatican said it was euthanasia. Several professors sought to publicly undermine Pope John Paul II’s clear statements on the moral obligation to feed and hydrate even the most severely injured patients.

It’s well-known that the culture of death has made inroads into Catholic higher education in the form of abortion advocacy, but little attention is given to end-of-life issues—or so it seemed before the Schiavo debacle. When six Catholic university professors signed an amicus brief in favor of removing Schiavo’s feeding tube, the Cardinal Newman Society launched an investigation that revealed the dark side of some Catholic university faculties, which include leading advocates of assisted suicide, vocal dissenters from Vatican teaching on euthanasia, and even top officials of national pro-death advocacy organizations.

The danger is obvious: If the Church is going to face up to a growing movement for euthanasia and assisted suicide in the United States, Catholic universities must help in that important battle. Harboring the enemy and training new spokesmen for the culture of death is not the way to do it.

full article…

And related CNA article
You may not have followed the debate in Belgium, as I see…

In Belgium, I almost lost a diploma in bioethics, because I dared to question the opportunity of authorising active euthanasia in a “Catholic university”. It was the Catholic University of Louvain (ucl.ac.be )You can read more about it here: dawnofeurope.250free.com/author.htm

Download also the report on euthanasia in a Catholic university that can be found on the same page, you’ll understand why that the U.S. are not alone in having universities that teach to the students in medicine how to kill their patients.
Free Voice:
You may not have followed the debate in Belgium, as I see…

In Belgium, I almost lost a diploma in bioethics, because I dared to question the opportunity of authorising active euthanasia in a “Catholic university”. It was the Catholic University of Louvain (ucl.ac.be )You can read more about it here: dawnofeurope.250free.com/author.htm

Download also the report on euthanasia in a Catholic university that can be found on the same page, you’ll understand why that the U.S. are not alone in having universities that teach to the students in medicine how to kill their patients.
The shame is on those that allow these schools to continue to call themselves Catholic. Ethics and morality are no longer taught in many homes or in many of our Catholic Churches. Shame on those in power for this. This includes parents, clergy and others in power. This “anything goes” is going to bring many to the day of judgement not knowing true right from wrong. Then who will answer to GOD for this omission.:banghead:
If only these people would follow Mother Angelica’s model of obedience, but then again following Rome’s teachings would be too much to ask wouldn’t it?

Especially if they want to keep the money rolling in from secular sources, while at the same time maintaining a facade of Catholic identity to keep donations flowing from unsuspecting faithful.:banghead:

Of course that strategy is a win-win situation for them from a monetary standpoint, though unfortunately the Truth as the Magisterium teaches it recieves the raw end of the bargain.(Makes this poster steam :mad: )

Personally I think somebody upstairs isn’t all that enamored with a fair number of “Catholic” university professors right about now, but since I am merely a humble pew warming forum posting layman, who am I to know anything about it?

We need to start cracking down on so-called “Catholic” institutions. If we see them doing anything contrary to the Church’s teachings, report them. If need be, get a Canon Lawyer involved. We must make life miserable for these institution until they either comply, or have their “Catholic” designation removed.

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