**Okay, I have to admit I have little direct experience talking to teens, but I offer this:
Sexual Wisdom; a Guide for Parents, Young Adults, Educators, and Physicians
I read some of this guide (there are 2; one for parents, one for older teens):
You can download the entire text to a file to review it for free! I did.
However, the way it is to be used is in the home and not in a class. Perhaps you could promote these books to parents. They are only $2.00 each; available through One More Soul.
What makes this guide unique is the inclusion of the section on Moral Relativism, which you could use in class. To me, this is what it comes down to.
Those who are pro-abortion say it is is up to each individual to choose what happens to the unborn individual since it is part of the woman’s body. But this is not true. The unborn person is an Individual and unique, unrepeatable being. The fetus and mother do not share blood, but of course the mother is responsible for the nutrition and care of the fetus/unborn child.
However, their “choice” does affect each and every member of society. We are seeing the results of societies choosing to not raise children in the demographic winter in many countries. This is the result pro-choice mindset (and individualistic relativism, nihilism). It is just the opposite of God’s way, which is Life.
Other than that, I suggest a positive approach, showing the incredible 4-D videos of preborn human beings. (Nat’l Geographic produced them). It is undeniable that this is a human being from the moment of conception, each an individual with his or her own genetic blueprint.
What the Church teaches (as you know) is that these are worthy of protection simply because of their humanity. The world teaches that they are dispensable, not worthy unless the parent(s) WANT the baby. If this is true, then it follows (sadly) that ALL of us are dispensable (sooner or later) if we become a burden, and are unwanted by those who must bear the burden or responsibility of care and nurturing.
I don’t know that anyone who can construct a logical argument really needs materials to get this across. Guided discussion, posing relevant questions and scenarios, may be all you really need. Think about it, make some notes, and get these young people THINKING!
God bless you for seeking out resources! There is so much great stuff out there to use. I am sure you will get many useful answers through this forum.