Hey I was wondering if anybody could recommend some good books suitable for Catholic teens.Oh and NOT the regular Lord of the Rings recomendations but more modern stuff
I’ve enjoyed reading her books. Her main characters are often Catholic and there is often a reference to that character attending Mass. She writes mysteries but the books don’t stand out as particularily graphic or obscene.My niece is 16 and she raves on about Mary Higgins Clark and she’s been getting into John Grisham.
Narnia is great, but those books were written for much younger children. I still read them, even as an adult, but If I’m looking for something challenging, I usually go for something else.What about the Chronicles of Narnia?
I’ve heard very good things about this book…
The Shadow of the Bear
I remember those. I liked them, too.I really liked The Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn. It’s a Christian romance series for teen girls and I still read the last ones. They do have a good amount of Protestant “talk” (Christy is “saved” in the beginning) but they are pretty broad and I think not against Catholic teaching, minus the being saved parts. Anyway, they encourage purity and chastity and these people live in today’s world and encounter many things (ie. drugs, drinking, parties, teen pregnancy). However, the good is shown as good and the bad is shown as bad, so you understand and aren’t tempted to do the bad things.
Try the BEANY MALONE series. The first one is MEET THE MALONES. They’re old, but very good, they’ve just been re-issued. The author is Lenora Mattingly Weber-also, she also wrote the Katie Rose series.Does anybody know if the Gossip Girl series by Cecily von Ziegesar is ok? I work at a library and I see those series taken out ALOT. Also the series by Cathy Hopkins is really popular. The titles are all like"Mates, dates, and …". I want to find some good teen books that arent so trashy. I picked up "The Princess Diaries"the other day, thinking it would be good like the movies but they take God’s name in vain WAY too much.