from what I have seen the DVD presentations are different, and quite frankly, now that we have done the adult version twice in the parish, the teens would not find the presentations interesting. also that is 26, can be up to 40, lessons, teen version is 8 (or 10-16 if you break it down).
You are saying you don’t think the teens would find the GBA presentations interesting, right? Or are you saying the teens would not find T3 interesting after doing GBA?
I am very impressed with the leader guide, and the one lesson I have had time to view on DVD. We have discussed it and will break each DVD presentation down, about 15 min. is their limit. some of the activities will work well, other just don’t fly here.
one thing we have tried, just does not work, is teens and adults together, whether it is parent-student meetings for Confirmation, bible studies, or other presentations. Needs and expectations of each group are too different
That makes sense to me, but because of my inexperience would not have thought of it myself. I bet that is the case more often than not.
HA, your kids are younger teens, we were thinking of 9th graders, but do you think it would work with 7th & 8th? what about 6th graders, where the traditional textbook curriculum is salvation history? to me DVDs seem a bit too old, but I am not the expert.
**Well I did this with 2 of my kids who were at the end of 5th and 6th at the time (did I write that correctly the first time?) and they really liked it. I don’t think they were too young. Of course I think you could go higher in age as well, as your discussion would just be “more mature” if you now what I mean. Ideally to get the most out of it I think 9th or even 10th grade would be best.**have you done any of the Come and See for children with your family?
No I have not heard of that. Do you recommend it? My kids go to Catholic school and I am very pleased with their religious instruction. My whole purpose in doing this is to see if we can possibly homeschool CCD during the high school years. I think we will be able to but I am going to continue with other material these next two years since it went well. I am always looking for good material.