Consider the morality of what you do - at least the plans and the patterns you repeat. Make sure you never use the girl for your own benefit.
The problem with the relationships of young people - and I was there a couple of years ago, so I still have a fresh memory - is that marriage is far future. You just won’t get engaged and marry too soon.
On the other hand, the whole of human sexuality and whatever falls within this part of life but is not strictly sexual - it serves marriage. I don’t see anything wrong in kissing a girlfriend you’re in love with and hope she’s the one you’ll get engaged with and marry when both of you are older - although on the other hand the assumption should go too far. I see something wrong in “having some action” - i.e. getting some kissing with a person, then leaving that person for another, or generally kissing on isolated encounters, for the sake of kissing and the pleasure it brings. Kissing is not sex, but neither is it meant for us as a recreational activity to engage in with strangers.
Is the point of ‘going out’ with someone only acceptable if the ultimate intention is to see whether the two are suitable for marriage?
Yes. That’s the only point of any relationship between a man and a woman which exceeds the limits of friendship. Note that friends go out but they don’t “go out”. See the difference? There’s nothing wrong seeing a film with a friend of the opposite sex, or going to a dance. However, “getting on” crosses the limits of friendship and focuses on getting some action which gives us pleasure and some sense of self-fulfilment. While it does somehow belong to engaged relationships or to earlier-stage relationships which may lead to engagement, behaving with a stranger like with a fiancee or girlfriend even, is reaping where one didn’t sow. People will use various constructs to justify it on the grounds that it’s nowhere in the Bible or Fathers or Catechism even, that it’s not sex and isn’t inherently tied with sex drive, but those arguments are all weak. It ultimately comes down to “getting what I want” and nothing else counting.
So, make sure you’re reverent towards the ladies, you don’t use them, you don’t give appearances of relationships which don’t exist and you don’t collect the fruit of relationships which don’t exist. Make sure you don’t act on sex drive but on love.
Also, remember that there’s no compulsion, no obligation to have a girlfriend or do things with girls. No necessity, either. One can live without kissing a couple of nice girls every now and then, even if this seemed particularly difficult to me when I was in my late teens or very early twenties.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a puritan that has never done anything remotely questionable. I’ve been through the same phase as you are now. And I can tell you that the best relationships were those in which limits were not crossed, but in which there was genuine affection and respect. That means friendships, including the somewhat teary ones. Paradoxically, they now seem more open to marriage than those other relationships, because of the real respect and affection and the fact the people stayed around, so something could always develop at a later stage.
So finally to finish this, I suggest paying no tributes to the male drives and just concentrating on building worthwhile friendships with people, ladies included. This doesn’t mean that if you fall in love and your intentions are pure, you should treat the lady as if she were another guy. But you really don’t need kissing encounters or suggestive clingy dancing or other such stuff for the sake of it. If there’s no girl in your life that you would particularly care for, love and cherish, then there’s still a lot of time for her to come into your life. It’s better to concentrate on waiting for her and preparing yourself to be a good man for her, than to engage in distractions or suffice with replacements to burn the energy somewhere and get some fuel to get going. I can tell you one can go without the fuel and the energy can be burnt elsewhere. It just takes a lot of effort in the beginning, but in the end it makes one happier.
Now, I wish you many blessings on your journey. Keep growing. One day the special woman will be in your life before you notice. Feel free to PM me if you’d like to talk more.