Those of you who have had teens/preteens or have them now…how do you discuss matters such as homosexuality, abortion, co-habitation, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, etc.??
My kids and I have been having numerous discussions regarding these issues lately. I try to keep things in the framework of “hate the sin, love the sinner” . I explain why certain lifestyles/choices are not in line with God’s will. How we need to pray for people that make these choices. I tell them that many people do not know God’s love for them, and try to find other ways to find joy and happiness;but that only true joy and happiness can come from God.
It’s amazing how much kids know these days. Even when I homeschooled, my kids heard and saw things from neighbor kids and on TV.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone would like to share their experience in trying to raise Godly teens, Thanks!
My kids and I have been having numerous discussions regarding these issues lately. I try to keep things in the framework of “hate the sin, love the sinner” . I explain why certain lifestyles/choices are not in line with God’s will. How we need to pray for people that make these choices. I tell them that many people do not know God’s love for them, and try to find other ways to find joy and happiness;but that only true joy and happiness can come from God.
It’s amazing how much kids know these days. Even when I homeschooled, my kids heard and saw things from neighbor kids and on TV.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone would like to share their experience in trying to raise Godly teens, Thanks!