Has anyone read this book? I’ve always found voodoo interesting and ordered this book to read more about it. I’m also interested in her work though I’ve never read anything by her.
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I’ve read part of it but never finished it. ZNH participated in many Voodoo rituals - at one point she lay naked on a couch for 3 days without food in order to “search out the spirit world.” (She may have written about that in another work, can’t remember). It is an interesting book and religion though.Has anyone read this book? I’ve always found voodoo interesting and ordered this book to read more about it. I’m also interested in her work though I’ve never read anything by her.
There’s a saying: “Haiti is 80% Catholic and 115% Voodoo”My Haitian coworkers are all Christians AFAIK, but a former co-worker (nurse aid) got caught burying voodoo items in the mulch around the entrance after a dispute with her nurse she was assigned with.