Telling parents about interest in Catholicism

  • Thread starter Thread starter CatherineNavarre
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Hey everyone!
I have been researching Catholicism for over a year now. This fall I started attending RCIA, and I am seriously considering joining the Catholic Church this Easter. However, I come from a very devout Protestant family. My parents have no idea that I have been looking into Catholicism. Additionally, both of my parents have very negative views about the Catholic Church. As such, I am not sure how to tell them without hurting them. Any ideas?

(FYI I am a college student so I don’t live at home, but my parents do support me financially.)
Whenever you do talk to them, be sure you let them know that you are not rejecting them, and not necessarily their faith, but that you find Catholicism to be the True faith for yourself.
I agree with @IrishMom2. If anything, you can thank them for bringing you up in a religious home, introducing you to God, and giving you wings to fly.
I dealt with this as well when I became Catholic. My dad was laid back, my mom didn’t care what I believed, but my uncles are hardcore anti-catholics. One uncle caught wind of my interest and randomly texted me something like, “There’s only one high priest and that’s Jesus!” But just because they don’t approve, that doesn’t mean you don’t do what you think God wants you to do.

In fact, I talked to my uncle more and more and we ended up growing closer due to our mutual love for Christ. I just told them this is where God is leading me, and though they disagree they respect that I am doing what I feel called to do.

The hardest part for me was not becoming hateful toward them over it. Once you realize the truth of Catholicism you realize how ridiculous and unfounded most of the rhetoric is. But Catholicism is true, and I have never had a situation where I looked further into Catholic dogma and felt like I was agreeing to something false or deceptive.

Also, being able to explain why you think it’s true is important. I’ve noticed that most Protestants are opposed to praying to saints, veneration of Mary, calling Priests “father,” and the papacy. However, most in my family never even thought about the real presence…I know it never even occurred to me to look into it. I’ve helped a lot of people be able to understand these concepts, and I’m not an apologist or anything and they are pretty easy to defend. Honest people will likely realize they were going on lack of knowledge…unless of course you respond to them harshly then they’ll just get defensive. Then again, I’ve met people who just hate the Catholic Church no matter what and won’t be reasoned with.

As long as you are doing God’s will you will be blessed. Just don’t get discouraged by criticism! Haters gonna hate.
@(name removed by moderator)! So nice to “see” you again! I hope all is well, and Merry Christmas to you!
Hi (name removed by moderator),

It’s true that I haven’t made a definite decision on whether or not to join the church yet. I’ve had a priest suggest to me, that I not tell my parents until I’ve decided 100% to convert to Catholicism. However, I would feel bad if I told my parents I was converting seemingly out of the blue a month before Easter. As far as telling my parents, I am preparing for being “temporarily disowned” but praying for the best.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful response! 🙂
@CatherineNavarre I also was in the same situation as you believe me it wasn’t easy for me to tell my parents that I was going to convert to Catholicism. It was very painful for my mother to see her child walk away from everything that I had been raised by in the way of church, my family is protestant and I grew up in that tradition.

My father wasn’t happy it either but the thing that I did do was I told my mother and father that I was leaving, they were completely caught off guard and very confused and hurt by this when I told them that I felt I needed to leave my mother alone asked me "who told you that it is time for you to leave "? I told her “God " she laughed at this and told me that I was making a mistake. I in reply said that” if it is a mistake it was mine to make " . Because of this I almost got disowned by my parents . Now be prepared to possibly not have them come to the rite of Election or if you aren’t baptized be prepared for that they might not come to this. With me they came to the rite of Election but did not come to my baptism it was only my sponsor and church family that were there yes it hurt but I pray for them to see and come to know what I know as the truth someday. As others have said don’t hide this from them tell them face to face. I will pray for you.
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