I’m thinking about buying a chaplet from Cord Bands (“Rugged Rosaries”), and I noticed that I can have the crucifix changed if I don’t like the one on the “stock” chaplets. I was looking through the options and noticed that I can have the “Knights Templar Cross” substituted in place of the crucifix already on it. It caught my eye, but I don’t know enough about the Templars to know if it’s a good idea. The most relevant thread I could find about them (as far as I’m concerned) is from 2005, but it didn’t quite answer my question- and I’m not eager to look through wikipedia for the information. It seems that they were suppressed by the Pope, and one of the leaders was burned at the stake, so I’m a bit uneasy about putting this on a chaplet.
I just need to know a bit about who they were and if it’s “right” to have this cross put on a chaplet.
I just need to know a bit about who they were and if it’s “right” to have this cross put on a chaplet.