Terri Schiavo: Pledge Your Prayers Now!

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*Moderator: please do not remove this thread. I have posted it on all the forums to reach as many people as possible. It is extremely important that Christians pledge together to pray for Terri Schiavo. Thank you.

Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Catholic woman in Florida, will have her feeding tube removed, resulting in her death, on March 18 at 1:00pm if her parents are unable to convince the courts that Mr. Schiavo should not be Terri’s guardian. If you are unfamiliar with the Terri Schiavo case, please search news sites for background information.

The reason for this thread is to unify Christians to pray for Terri Schiavo. There is currently no organized prayer vigil or day of prayer, so I’m asking you to simply reply to this thread with “I pledge” if you pledge to do the following:

-Sincerely pray for Terri Schiavo and her parents, that the Lord’s peace will be with them

-Sincerely pray for Judge Greer (the judge who set the March 18 date for Terri’s murder), that the Lord would soften his heart and change his mind

**-Sincerely pray for Terri’s husband, Michael Schiavo, that the Lord would soften his heart and change his mind **

If you pledge to pray for these 3 things at least once every day, until this case is settled, respond to this thread with simply “I pledge.” The prayers can be your own words, a Mass, a rosary, a novena, etc. It’s up to you, just pray!

Note: please do not use this thread for anything other than simply enlisting your pledge to pray. Thank you.
UKcatholicGuy said:
*Moderator: please do not remove this thread. I have posted it on all the forums to reach as many people as possible. It is extremely important that Christians pledge together to pray for Terri Schiavo. Thank you.

Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Catholic woman in Florida, will have her feeding tube removed, resulting in her death, on March 18 at 1:00pm if her parents are unable to convince the courts that Mr. Schiavo should not be Terri’s guardian. If you are unfamiliar with the Terri Schiavo case, please search news sites for background information.

The reason for this thread is to unify Christians to pray for Terri Schiavo.
-Sincerely pray for Terri Schiavo and her parents, that the Lord’s peace will be with them

-Sincerely pray for Judge Greer (the judge who set the March 18 date for Terri’s murder), that the Lord would soften his heart and change his mind

**-Sincerely pray for Terri’s husband, Michael Schiavo, that the Lord would soften his heart and change his mind **

I guess it is my turn to go out and start the dialogue. I do not think of myself as very qualified. I am probably going to upset somebody by saying the wrong thing, likely something stupid.

Oh well… here goes.

Dear so-and-so;

Who cares, and why?

Yours respectfully,

Prester John
Prester John:
I guess it is my turn to go out and start the dialogue. I do not think of myself as very qualified. I am probably going to upset somebody by saying the wrong thing, likely something stupid.

Oh well… here goes.

Dear so-and-so;

Who cares, and why?

Yours respectfully,

Prester John
Because someone is going to be unjustly killed,she is someones daughter someones sister,because she is made in the image and likeness of God.She is a fellow Catholic who was denied the Last Rites the last attempt to kill her:( I pldge to pray for her 3 times a day.God Bless
I pledge

For anyone who wants to know the facts and understand implications of Terri’s case, I suggest the following link:

A Special Appeal from Pro-Life Leaders Working Together to Save Terri Schiavo

**Fr. Frank Pavone * Rev. Patrick Mahoney * Rev. Rob Schenck
Joe Scheidler * Troy Newman * Brandi Swindell * Mike McMonagle

I pledge.

I have been praying for Terri all along: daily Mass, rosaries, evening prayer, every time I think of the subject. Alerted others by email and asked them to do the same. Sent off petitions and let my voice heard on polls. I wrote president Bush to write an Executive Order which will place Terri in a safe place where her husband and the Florida Courts will NOT be able to starve her to death!!
I pledge

I have also started my own blog on the subject.

Hi all!

I’ll repost from another thread:
Well, this is one more area in which Roman Catholics & Orthodox Jews can agree.

See [aish.com/societyWork/sciencenature/Should_Terri_Schiavo_Live _or_Die$.asp](http://www.aish.com/societyWork/sciencenature/Should_Terri_Schiavo_Live_or_Die$.asp)

and aish.com/societyWork/sci…_Dilemmas.as p.

I’ll quote one excerpt from the first article
Let us take the example of Terri Schiavo. She is not brain dead nor is she terminally ill. She is brain damaged and remains in what appears to be a persistent vegetative state. All of her bodily functions are essentially normal, but she lacks the ability to “meaningfully” interact with the outside world (although her parents claim that she does minimally respond to their presence and to outside stimuli).

Her impairment is cognitive and Judaism does not recognize any less of a right to treatment for one cognitively impaired than one mentally astute.

It is a denial of the Jewish ideal of the fundamental value of life that drives the forces that wish to remove Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube. While Judaism does recognize quality of life in certain circumstances (such as the incurable terminally ill patient in intractable pain mentioned above), the Torah does not sanction euthanasia in any situation. To remove the feeding tube from a patient whose only impairment is cognitive is simply murder.

We must ask ourselves when we view images of cognitively impaired patients such as Terri Schiavo whether the pain that we feel is Terri’s or whether it is our own. While we may suffer watching movies of the severely brain damaged, it is our own thoughts of the horror of a life without cognition that drives us to project that pain onto the victim who may not be suffering at all.
and one from the second:
The general consensus in halachic literature * has been that certain treatments, such as oxygen, nutrition, and hydration are obligatory for all patients, regardless of the severity of their medical condition. This obligation is predicated upon the assumption that there are certain bodily needs that all people share, regardless of their prognosis, and that failing to provide for these needs constitutes a breach in the obligation to care for one’s fellow man.

This line of reasoning considers breathing, eating, and drinking to be normal activities of daily living, and the providing of oxygen, nutrition, and hydration to be extensions of normal physiologic processes rather than medical interventions. [The late] Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach calls these treatments routine, and therefore not open to refusal or withdrawal, unlike certain other more “extraordinary” treatments that need not necessarily always be provided. He considers nutrition, hydration, and oxygen to be absolutely required, similar to antibiotics, insulin, and blood transfusions. *
I pray for Terry!

Be well!

ssv 👋
I saw this on tv, and i must say, such suffering is tragic. But if god actually answers prayers, the world will be without suffering.
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